31st July 2012 2012 (jandmayers
“In accordance with Spiritual
Law, those who have transgressed against others will feel the full weight of
the Law and…”
“…this is now happening the
entire world over”
“Australia’s law enforcers
have seized a half a billion dollars’ worth of drugs from a Hong Kong based
drug ring”
“The entire operation taking
one year to complete”
“All misdeeds, no matter how
long it takes, will come to the surface. Nothing is hidden from the Universal
Intelligence and…”
“…to think otherwise is to be
totally naïve. All will be shown the full force on the Law and that will mark
them for life”
“What is happening throughout
the world is the restoration of justice from the many misdemeanours which have
been going on in this world and…”
“…where before they thought
they had been getting away with it, now it is no more”
“See a global purging in so
many ways as more & more will be brought to justice. Their time is now over
as another way to live is being shown”
31st July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Every cheat and every liar
is now being discovered. The wakeup call for humanity is being shown in so many
“All who have cheated on the
Law must make up for their misdeeds, so that the record can be set right again”
“What is happening now is
that the element of justice is far more severe than at any one time, so as to
deflect people from committing…”
“…those crimes and to give
them reflective time to consider all that they have committed throughout their
“Each time they have gone
back to their old ways will now see them given no more chances as these
penalties are the final ones…”
“…used for their
misdeeds. Rendering them inoperable to
do any more harm. The full weight of
Universal Laws having finally been felt!”
30th July 2012 2012 (jandmayers
“The world is waiting with
baited breath, as to how Syria will be able to play out its game of cat and
mouse. The entire establishment of…”
“…Bashar al-Assad is on
borrowed time. The explosion, which is about to happen, will destroy the entire
regime in one fell swoop”
“No one of any value will be
still standing, as the entire regime will collapse with virtually nothing to
build on by the other side”
“This will have dire
consequences for the next regime to pick up and start to find an alternative
“They are ill-equipped in so
many ways. However their heart is in the right place and so an economist of
some importance…”
“…will be able to steer this
fragile country towards salvation and a sort of equality for the masses”
“The tribal intuitions that
have failed in Afghanistan, will be able to settle their differences and begin
“For too long now they have
endured the severe hatchet of the Assad regime, so to bring together a
collective, …”
“…which will be able to transpire into a global economy, will slowly be able to come about”
“There is already a vast
impetus by the people not to give up and to fight to the death, …”
“…to the bitter end, in order
to save Syria from this dictator”
“There will come an impasse
like the lull before the storm, where the dark clouds of despair &
uncertainty will creep into every living soul…”
“…within Syria now. Once that
has been recognised, then the will of the people will rise up…”
“…the likes this regime has
never seen before and the overthrow will be accomplished”
“The hell on earth being
replaced by a weird heavenly hue of light and satisfaction”
“Syria is not Iraq. They have
different ideals and agendas and the people will rally around…”
“…to safeguard their country
in ways not thought of by the Iraqis”
“The world will learn from
this country & how it’ll come about through the deluge of what must have
appeared to them to be an impossible task”
30th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Russia as always is dicing
with death. Putin thinks his heavy
handed methods are the only way he can control his people into submission”
“A female punk protest group
are imprisoned for singing a song protesting against Vladimir Putin”
“His fragile ego cannot
permit this kind of action, such is the fear he possesses, so he has to take a
sledge hammer to crush a nut”
“He knows he is already on
shaky ground regarding the falseness of his election fiasco”
“The Russian people are not
stupid. They have seen these policies many times before”
“Well, the Universal Laws
have news for Vladimir Putin, the more he intimidates his people the greater
the impetus to remove him…”
“…becomes possible, as the
tide of public opinion against him is now growing stronger with every passing
“Russia has seen many
dictators over the years and Putin is but one of many. Fear allows him to
continue to rule, but as is being shown…”
“…all around the world that
the people are now fully aware of their own voice and their own might and so
the impetus grows…”
“…in every country for
freedom of the people from the select few who wish to undermine democracy for
their own power purposes”
“The Russian people will
stand tall and their outrage towards the regime grows and gathers momentum. All
dictators will be brought down”
“By Spiritual Law their time
is up”
“See the wakeup call for so
many countries who rule as they feel is their right and not for the rights of
the people”
“Humanity will have its day
The tide is now turning as one by one country will give up their dictators in
order for modern democracy to rule!”
“North Korea has seen
flooding kill many of its people and damage to over 5,000 homes leaving 60,000
“Yet the country does little
to help their own people”
“Last year’s summer floods
and bitter winter led to chronic food shortages that Pyongyang had to appeal
for International Aid. It appears…”
“…that North Korea can build
a rocket to go into space, while at the same time they have to ask for
humanitarian aid for their own people”
“Either we are all in this
world to help one another or we are in this world to do what we want while our
own people die from starvation”
“It is obvious that North
Korea only does what it suits them, while their own people die, while at the
same time having no compunction…”
“…but to ask for
International Aid. The arrogance of
North Korea is astounding”
“If the rest of the world did
not have the humanity that it does, the North Korean people would be in a worst
state than they are today with…”
“…many more people dying from
hunger. Thank God for those who organise
International Aid…”
“…whose countries freely
offer this service for humanity. If left
to the North Koreans the world would be in a sorry state”
“They are fortunate that
International Aid has a different agenda to them, otherwise they would get
nothing at all”
“But going into outer space,
for their government, is the greater importance over their people”
“Thank goodness the world has
not forgotten the people of North Korea, while their government has!”
29th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“To be able to live on this
world, one must respect all life and all life forms”
“To damage the very existence
of what is freely given is to see one’s life diminish in so many ways”
“All that this planet has to
offer us is for our benefit to live and to enjoy and that…”
“…is a scared thing and
should be viewed as a privilege and not as our right to have”
“As we learn to provide for
ourselves in the way of farming and cultivation of different produce, so our
stocks can be replenished…”
“…as we are always looked
after. We take nothing for granted and
so as we sow so shall we reap, because our intentions are honourable…”
“…for the supply of food and
materials for humanity to benefit and with that right intention and…”
“…the guidance that is always
given, as to where to plant and how to cultivate, so we are constantly
“We learn to live with that
trust and we are satisfied”
28th July 2012 2012 (jandmayers
“The tide for women in areas
like Saudi Arabia is changing”
“The regime are now actually
allowing women to perform in the Olympic Games as equal to all men”
“We are a global nation of both men and women and…”
“…both of the sexes should be
in a position to demonstrate their athletic abilities without fear or favour”
“Until those countries
throughout the world can appreciate that women have as much right to freedom as
men do then…”
“…nothing will ever change
for those countries. They remain in the
dark ages & continue to live in fear.
The fear here is the fear of women”
“Yet under Universal Laws we
are all equal to the Law and should have that right to live under that Law as
has been stated”
28th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The Olympic flame united all
Nations together in comradeship and excellence”
“All have a unique right to
their place due to their form of expertise”
“All recognise their special
talents and rejoice together in perfect harmony of spirit and fun”
“The Olympic Games transcends
all countries and all continents…”
“It is the culmination of
years of hard work and devotion to the cause to excel oneself against other
athletes of their generation”
“The love that was
transmitted throughout that opening ceremony in London was amazing and…”
“…truly reflects the passion
of Spirit, which is in each and every one of us”
“We have no time for wars.
They only bring destruction and pain”
“They destroy the very fabric
of society & wither away our will to live & survive. The Olympic Games is a triumph for what can
be achieved…”
“…if we allow each and every
one of us to reach out and touch another’s soul in friendship, respect and love”
“We all owe it to the world
to continue to learn to build bridges, so we may live in a state of peace and
not one of destruction”
27th July 2012 2012 (jandmayers twitter)
“The problem that faces
Aleppo is that the reserves of President Bashar al-Assad are in fact running
out and…”
“…all he has in his arsenal
are the major guns and artillery, which of course are supplied by Russia”
“It is these deadly weapons
that pose the greatest threat to this second town of Syria”
“However the blood is rising
amongst the rebels and it is demising daily with the national military, so as
they begin to get more organised…”
“…the impetus with the rebels
will be able to save the day. The battle
of wills is on”
“The Universal Laws are on
the side of justice and it is this justice that will force this regime out”
“Notice a calm before the
storm, as both sides are vying for position and then the onslaught will occur”
“See more military defecting
to the rebels, as brother will fight alongside brother for the greater good”
27th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The Olympics in London this
evening will be a show that has not been surpassed by this country’s
performance before”
“The anticipations of all the
participants, who have waited long and hard to perform at the highest level,
will not see them disappointed”
“The UK might be small in
area, but it is mighty in heart and that is what will be shown this evening for
the opening ceremony”
“They will be competing with
the very best in the world and they will stage a show that will place the UK
amongst the greats of this century”
“The UK is open for business
and they will not disappoint. All has
been prepared in advance and…”
“…the people of Great Britain
will show the world just what it has been missing in the way of prestige and
“Many will have a tear in
their eye, as the emotions will run high.
The adrenalin for excellence is shown for all to see”
“A truly remarkable sight, a
stimulating performance they all can be proud of”
26th July 2012 2012 (jandmayers
“The situation with Greece
can never be sorted out with bailouts from the various monetary funds”
“It is the IMF and the
European Bank who will be able to see this with their own eyes”
“There are no real
foundations in Greece’s strategy that will be able to ease them out of their
financial difficulties”
“Only hard work for very
little will be the bases by which this country will ever get off its knees”
“The situation will last for
years, if not decades and it is only the will of the people who themselves will
eventually dig themselves out…”
“…of their own hole. Any more money given to them only lengthens
their own pain and suffering”
“Until their own mind set
changes, then the world can do nothing for them”
“If the people want the miracle
they have to accept that in order to get that miracle they have to deserve it
“The people have ignored the
incompetence in their own leaders, who have contributed to their downfall as
with so many things”
“They prefer to turn a blind
eye, thinking they are not responsible for their own plight”
“When Greece held World
Olympics in 2004 they were not ready, so many aspects in Athens at that time
were not completed to house those games”
“Roads were not ready,
scaffolding was everywhere, parks were a mess, filthy and not painted. The
entire Athens at that time was in chaos”
“The Government of the day
had to enlist people from other countries to come in and finish the job in time
for the Olympic Games to open”
“At that time it showed up
the Greek people for who they are. Their
attitude to work and a pride in their own country…”
“…at a time when the world
was looking at them. was of no concern to them.
The simply did not care”
“One saw laziness in every
direction. That was the message they sent
out to the world and hardly anybody cared”
“Is it then so surprising
that the country is in such a mess?”
“All the hardworking Greeks
have fled & have invested their hard earned money elsewhere It is a big
lesson that the Greek people have to pay…”
“…but pay they will until
they learn that nothing is for nothing in this life. All has to be earned in
one way or another”
26th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The failure of the banking
system to self-regulate is becoming painfully obvious”
“Their own interest for the
constant greed they possess will be their own downfall”
“Since 2008 when the Credit
Crunch was revealed for the first time (I actually predicted this in 2006, but
was not tweeting at the time)…”
“…the banks did not learn
their lesson, so now the lesson & the shock to them that they cannot get
away with it, will be their final downfall”
“As banks will continue to
cry for help, they will find that help is no longer applicable to them”
“They will and must fall, so
that an emergence of a new banking system will finally evolve leaving them no
choice if they are to trade at all”
“They have been cossetted for
far too long. They have abused their
position of trust throughout the world and now…”
“…they will pay the ultimate
price. The Universal Laws are far mightier than any power they feel they might
“For all bankers. watch this
space. You haven’t seen anything yet!”
25th July 2012 2012 (jandmayers twitter)
“The situation with the Global Warming is getting worse and it will continue to do so until…”
“…Mankind is prepared to wake up instead of sleep walking through life”
“Greenland’s massive ice sheet is melting in places that has not melted before and…”
“…scientists observing these happenings are saying it makes you sit up and ask what is happening?”
“Nigeria has seen massive flooding due to heavy rains on its Plateau State. Everywhere the world over, extensive flooding and…”
“…devastation is taking place all of which are exceptional to what has gone on before. This cannot be a chance situation but…”
“…a global environmental problem that scientists are monitoring which politicians prefer to continually ignore”
“All of us are responsible in making those in government aware. We all have a voice and it is with that voice through the media and…”
“…social networking that we can make that difference, if we care enough”
“Aung San Suu Kyi is fighting to bring about a law that will protect the rights of ethnic minorities. The spirit being…”
“…equal rights and mutual respect. This should be the mantra for the entire world over, for every human being…”
“…every soul to be equal and to enjoy mutual respect. Until that happens nothing will ever change for Mankind”
25th July 2012 (ladylydialondon twitter)
“President Obama’s Health Law will go ahead. This was predicted some time ago. The people of America are starting to believe in…”
“…this President, that although it takes time to change things, especially with the type of opposition that makes up their laws, matters are…”
“…indeed starting to change not only for him, but for the American people. The voice of the American people will be heard and…”
“…yes. change is coming to America and it is for the greater good and not only for the privileged few”
“As Spiritual Law continues to catch up and expose these villains of society, so US Roman Catholic Monsignor William Lynn…”
“…will be finally sentenced to 3-6 years in jail for the covering up a sex abuse complaint against a priest. There have been other…”
“…complaints, but all were ignored. Now action at last has come to the fore and is a strong warning to the entire Catholic Church…”
“…“You will be found out and you will be brought down””
“Even Pope Benedict is guilty of the knowledge of what has gone on regarding sexual abuse towards young children, not only on his watch…”
“…but by other Popes in the past, who chose to ignore these complaints thinking it will all go away”
“They genuinely believe they are above the law. Maybe they think because it is Man’s Law it does not apply to them as they are…”
“… only interested in God’s Law. Well, the Universal Laws apply to all as they are now only just finding out…”
“…What jail sentence should be given to the present Pope for his involvement in the covering up of hundreds of priests the world over? …
“…where he chose to do nothing about it. The Universal and Man’s Laws are now catching up with these people…”
“…Ten Hail Mary’s after Confessional does not save a life who has been abused…”
“…Their pain lasts a life time. The priest’s, so called, penance lasts barely five minutes!”
24th July 2012 2012 (jandmayers twitter)
“The tragedy of the Iraqi situation will never go away while religious sects have no interest, time or tolerance for each other…”
“…Religion the world over is systemic of how people think that their preferred religion is the best and the greatest over all others…”
“…A propaganda taught by respective priests of those religions, who hoodwink the people into believing that what they say is actually right”
“When people pass from this life, they will realise that in their so called Heaven, there is no religion and all are equal under that Law…”
“…What is necessary to know is how you conduct yourself on this earth, then secures your position in the next dimension and…”
“…not because of the religion you practice. This tends to be a shock to the individual on arriving and finding out this is so”
“So when Mankind has finally woken up to tolerance and love being the prime objective, then the world will be a better and safer place”
24th July 2012 (ladylydialondon twitter)
“Greece is unable to pay off its debts…”
“…It is equivalent to having a mortgage and re-mortgaging its mortgage and not having the money to pay the mortgage in the first place”
“Greece has to fall on its sword and, once it has reached rock bottom and is almost at deaths door, can a monetary solution come in by a…”
“…Higher Force and only then can Greece start to finally wake up to the slow recovery back from the brink…”
“…It will be the wakeup call that Greece needs in order to start again and rebuild its Nation”
“At this time the heart and soul has gone out of this country and while the IMF and the European Central Bank continues…”
“…to dip into that pot of money to relieve Greece, it prolongs their inevitable death”
23rd July 2012 (jandmayers twitter)
“The sympathy felt by the American people for the victims of Aurora is highly understandable, but…”
“…nothing concrete can ever
change while the American people feel they have a right to own guns”
“Every gun crisis hits the
headlines over many years for the US.
The devastation is with these families for the rest of their lives…”
“….Nothing is ever done, so
because nothing is ever done to rectify this situation, why should one have any
more sympathy…”
“…for these poor souls than
any other, who have gone on before and are now forgotten”
“The tragedy is that these
souls are not forgotten by their families and loved ones and they bear the
scars of these gun killing idiots…”
“…for centuries within the
family structure and nobody in Government cares enough to do anything about it,
the status quo remains the same”
“China, with all its so
called wealth, cannot even deal with helping its own people regarding…”
“…the inadequate drainage
system, which was overloaded due to flooding”
“China has suffered severe
ecological destruction due to deforestation, which then leaves its country
exposed to the climate changes and…”
“…the destruction that comes
with it. Not only to life, but to vegetation”
23rd July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“As predicted many times
before, the Euro will fall and fall it must until it can be resurrected by
other means, which are not…”
“…in the conditions stated by
the IMF or the World Banking Organisation.
Another means will be found at the appointed time”
“See Europe dip into
depression as more money is taken out of Europe than is going in”
“To avoid a collapse in this
monetary system a new way will be found, but only when Europe is on the brink
of bankruptcy…”
“…Only then will the solution
be found”
22nd July 2012 2012 (jandmayers
“Until corruption and
mismanagement is dealt with at the highest source, what point is there for
others lower down the scale?”
“Peter Doyle, whose
resignation from the IMF, has stated publicly what has been said privately over
many years, that…”
“…they are incompetent and
have failed to alert the urgency of the global financial crisis”
“The IMF will find that its
own trouble will come to haunt them.
Even they cannot escape legitimate criticism”
22nd July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The unveiling of so much
mismanagement throughout the world is now at epidemic proportions…”
“…The clearing out, even
tearing apart by Spiritual Laws to address these crises, is being shown all
around the world”
“No one no matter how big or
how small, if there is corruption or mismanagement, that institution will fall
before it can be put right”
“No one can escape the
Universal Laws over and above Man’s Laws”
21st July 2012 (jandmayers
“Poor America, it gets caught again with its inappropriate Gun Laws. Anybody who purchases a gun has one thing in mind and that is to kill…”
“…Whether it is an animal or
a human being, killing is in the psyche of the American wild west and…”
“…it is this fundamental
aspect which needs to be addressed”
“If guns were not so readily
available & only in the hands of law enforcers where necessary &
perhaps farmers for their diseased livestock…”
“…then America would not be
so exposed to the severe annihilation of the human race”
“It is the education of the American people and not in the thinking that they have a right to carry a weapon…”
“…What rights do the dead
have after they have been shot? Who is there to address their rights? Nobody”
“If you love life of any kind you would never carry a gun”
“The sick of mind needs to be addressed in psychiatric units to determine the state of their imbalance and…”
“…with the right help, adjust again into society”
21st July 2012 (ladylydialondon twitter)
“Spain’s financial bailout will have little effect…”
“…With the entire mind-set of
Spain’s establishment not wanting to conform to how one should behave, so
nothing really changes”
“The same aspect applies to
both Italy and Greece. These people want/expect an easy life and they don’t
want to work for it”
“The criminal aspect of
Spain’s sick, leaves people who are signed off from work on minor disabilities…”
“…so they can have six months
off on full pay, shows there is something radically wrong with the system”
“Why should the hardworking
people from other countries further bolster these lazy souls? …”
“…Now the wakeup call is
being given to all these countries, who default one by one”
“They all have strong lessons
to learn and they will. Money is running out”
20th July 2012 (jandmayers
“Until the Security Council
start to realise their hands are tied to some extent, the sooner the job of
freeing the Syrian people can occur”
“The Council must be seen to
be putting pressure on Bashar al-Assad, Russia and China. What the Council do
not seem to realise is…”
“...that the more you put
people’s backs up, the more they will dig their heels in to obstruct success”
“Syria is now in the hands of
a greater Universal Power, who will instigate the outcome of the freeing of
Syria from this dictator…”
“…His days are numbered and
so he, like Gadaffi, will fall”
“Allow the Free Syrian Army
led by the Supreme Forces to instigate power and control”
“See the control of power
sources, electricity, oil and the like come into the control of the FSA. They
have an agenda lined up and…”
“…must be seen by the world
in conducting their affairs in the best way of saving their people and
displacing a despot”
“As Damascus falls, so the
situation of which the FSA will surround and control. More army defectors will get out quickly”
“They see their days are
numbered already. Bashar al-Assad has ⅓ cooperation of his army. The rest are
there under sufferance of execution”
20th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Churches all around the
world are being left…”
“…They do not attend to the
needs/welfare of their parishioners either morally, ethnically or spiritually”
“Churches the world over have
lost their way….”
“…The clergy are losing their
jobs. They have failed the people and so must take up their just desserts”
“The Master Jesus preached
philosophy and goodwill towards Mankind. He fed/nourished both the body and
soul of his flock….”
“…He never turned his
back on anyone. All was done in love”
“Religions of the world have
lost their way…”
“…Their fanatical dogma is
not God’s ways and so the people are dispirited and are leaving now a dying
“No matter what religion or
what church, it is God who loves and who teaches and who nourishes and puts
right all wrongs…”
“…That is the way forwards
and those whose heart belongs to him and his mission on earth will know that. That guiding hand of love is enough”
“It sustains all our
wellbeing and nourishes our souls in ways churches have not even dreamed about…”
“…They are always too worried
about their pockets and how deep they are!”
19th July 2012 (jandmayers
“The increased bombing around
the world of Israeli targets is nothing new and is only to be expected…”
“…Until Israel starts to
treat the rest of humanity in the same way they feel they should be treated,
hatred of this nation will continue”
“To be above the Law is one
thing; to believe they are above God is blind arrogance of which these people
have in abundance”
“All people in this world are
entitled to be treated with civility, that is how it should be and for most of
the world it happens”
“Israel is always out of step
with others and they are not even decent to their own people. That of course is
the worst kind of treatment”
“To live constantly in fear,
as they do, creates paranoia. They can never be a happy race”
19th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The Vatican’s bank is trying
its best at being transparent. It has failed in seven out of sixteen key areas”
“Considering they are meant
to be transparent and so called show a Godly example to the world and failed,
it is no wonder that…”
“…the Vatican is viewed with
so much suspicion. What they say and what they do never really marries up…”
“…It is only what they want
you to see that interests them and that is never transparency!”
“They will continue to be
found deficient in their transactions”
18th July 2012 (jandmayers
“As predicted, Libya’s first
election shows an alliance of several parties. The country has to reflect the
aspirations of all the sects, so…”
“…that they can finally unite
in a common cause, which is unity for all Libyans”
“See a continuum of this
strategy, where more people will want to serve their country out of love for
their fellow man and the greater good”
“The infighting by the hard-line
activists will slowly come to an end…”
“…It is the stability after
many years of dictatorship, which is the ultimate heart of this success”
“We appreciate that Kofi
Annan needs to be seen by the West as doing something to stabilise the Syrian situation”
“He will just need to learn
to sit it out until the flames of hatred within this country finally come to
their natural conclusion”
“When that happens, then both
Russia and China will come on board. It must be the time now of the Free Syrian
Army, who must…”
“…make their stand and to
impose the majority will of the people, who oppose the Bashar al-Assad regime”
“The Free Syrian Army has to
back Bashar al-Assad into a corner, which they will and then…”
“…they will take control to
re-modernise an out-wanted regime”
“Then and only then will they
decide on their mandate to free the people of this monstrous dictator, who
blatantly kills his own people”
18th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“As I have previously said,
all corruption on every level is by Universal Laws being ousted out…”
“…Italy’s Giuseppe Mandara
chose to have his ties with the Mafia and produced counterfeit cheese and sold
it as the expensive kind”
“His company has been seized
by the Carabinieri Police. The Mafia are
at the heart of all corruption in Italy and so aid in Italy’s downfall”
“Where corruption lies, the
backlash affects so many people and is ongoing”
“There is no way that an
honest rightful person, who has integrity, would stoop to this low practice….”
“…Only the greedy are corrupt
and this is prevalent throughout all society. We have lost our moral compass”
“The situation with HSBC is
outrageous. It is not enough that HSBC’s
Head of Compliance resigns…”
“…It is up to the Law to make
these people understand it is a criminal act that they are involved in and so
are made an example of”
“While everybody appears to
be getting away with digressions, it opens up the door for more people to be
swayed down that road”
“Until the education of the
masses that law and order must be adhered to, we provide the breeding grounds
for national and global chaos”
“That is why, because of the
global failure to administer what is right and wrong, so…”
“…Universal Laws now have
come into effect and more and more is found out”
“The clean-up operation
globally is now and ongoing. All who transgress will find their just desserts”
17th July 2012 (jandmayers
“The disgrace by HSBC of the
great possibility that huge sums of Mexican drug money passed through its
banks, the problems are clear…”
“…These banks are now so big
and see themselves as so mighty, they have lost control of what their
organisation stands for”
“Too much greed by these
banks leaves them exposed to this kind of illegal activity…”
“…Until jail sentences are
imposed for these heinous crimes of deception, how can we ever trust them?”
“The banking system stinks
and until Governments clear up this system it can never get sorted”
“They all think they are
above the Law. Well, the Universal Laws are now coming into effect, so nobody
will get away with it”
“All these banks were given
their chances in 2008, when the Credit Crunch occurred…”
“…They have not learnt that
lesson, so a further demolition job needs to come in until they are finally
sorted out”
“It will take several years
to occur, but it will be done!”
17th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Iran will push ahead with
its nuclear programme regardless of what other countries in the world say”
“Their programme is still
unsteady, as they have not got the full technology for its completion and…”
“…there are faults within
their programme mechanism, so delays are inevitable”
“However, they believe they
have right on their side and to protect themselves from so called aggressors,
they feel it is justified
“All in life is, “Who has the big stick and how far can I
weld it. Is my power greater or smaller than yours?”
“Whatever happens, we are all
people on a small globe and life only gets more problematical the more there is
fear around”
“Until people learn to talk
together and exchange through trade practices a trust that all are dependent on
one another…”
“…nothing but fear and
hostility remain. It is simply futile and unproductive”
“Food is the currency, never
bombs or war. Man has not leant this yet…”
“…How many years must
hardship still exist before Mankind wakes up to these facts?”
16th July 2012 (jandmayers
“The Civil War in Syria to
escalate out of control – as predicted Damascus will bear the main brunt of the
fighting and…”
“…there will be no peace
until the city falls”
“New warfare for the Free
Syrian Army will see them seize the initiative and go full out to conquer their
“This army really sees it can
make a difference, as they gain the moral high ground”
“Sects that were once loyal
to Bashar al-Assad will see them openly change sides giving the Free Syrian
Army a boost to…”
“…really get on with what
they feel is liberating their country from this reckless monster”
“A new regime to come out of
the blue!”
16th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“To believe in an afterlife is
to know that life is much more than our earthly life…”
“…Where daily evidence is
given to so many people around the world, who visit the Spirit World, only to
be told it is not their time yet”
“To understand the human
condition within the Universal Plan, where the Higher Intelligence guides us
through the many pitfalls in life and…”
“…allows us safe passage
through them”
“Where the late Mother
Teresa, who was told by one of her nuns that they had no food for the sick and
infirm and also none for them…”
“…where Mother Teresa simply
said, “All nuns stop everything and pray
to The Lord for food” and…”
“…within an hour food from
every direction in Calcutta came forth”
“This episode was witnessed
time and time again, as many miracles happened almost daily. The many volunteers
from all over the world…”
“…were able to see these
amazing happenings and know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, they would always be
looked after”
“That Power and Presence is
all around us, if we care to see and to understand its message and the meaning
behind it!”
15th July 2012 (jandmayers
“The Syrian situation to blow
up out of control, even Bashar al-Assad cannot control what is happening in his
“He is feeling very afraid
for his own safety, as more military close to his heart are defecting…”
“…He sees his line of defence
as getting smaller and smaller – a frightening thought”
“Egypt is now in a very precarious
position, as mounting antagonism towards the military is occurring…”
“…President Mursi is now
pressing ahead with his reform agendas and welcomes help from the US should
this be forthcoming”
“Hilary Clinton will not wish
to antagonise President Mursi, so a collective agreement of unilateral support
will materialise”
15th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Development of GM cereal
crops for African farmers will be the breakthrough they have needed to avoid
further starvation to these countries”
“The world needs food as the
vital product, as more countries are facing hardship with their starving
“The humanitarian costs are
too great. There is not enough food to provide for all these people, so…”
“…help is required for
African farmers and other farmers around the world to grow their own crops,
comes in at a time when…”
“…the world is hit by Global
Warming and crops are failing as a result”
“See new technology coming in
to save vast deprived populations. It is high time”
“Countries the world over
have to come in to help each other & to prevent starvation of their people.
Wars are not the solution diplomacy is!”
14th July 2012 (jandmayers
“To only see the world as a
state of upheaval and influx is not to be able to see the bigger picture, which
“…to see the chaos as
bringing about a better place from the stagnant mess it is now in”
“In order for this planet to
right itself, it has to go through the arc of unrest & destruction. Then balance of a finer quality can emerge”
“This transition will take
time to achieve, but it is going through its most violent stage just now”
“Once the dust of despair,
anguish & mistrust has finally achieved its optimum desire, then fresh
ideas and a reconstruction becomes possible”
14th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The Universal God Force
sweeps all negative situations away. It has to in order for new growth and structure
to come into effect”
“Man must first face his
greatest fears, his greatest challenges to the human soul, before he can fully
“…that life can be lived
without fear or despair”
“The accumulation of all the negative
sources is at their highest so far. This will continue until…”
“…Mankind comes to his senses
and desires a new mind-set of justice and benevolence for all”
13th July 2012 (jandmayers
“A village in the state of
Uttar Pradesh in India has banned love marriages…”
“…It seems yet again that
these backward countries feel they have the right to ignore the human rights of
“These Indian women are to be
restricted and cannot marry whom they love…”
“…Their heads must be covered
and it is almost as if they can only speak when allowed to”
“This is the 21st
century. It is no wonder that women are fleeing to the West in order to obtain
equal status as a human being”
“It is also no wonder that
more and more people are executing their right to remove themselves from
religious oppression”
“God and all the prophets of
the world have only taught love and respect. That is the main objective…”
“…to keep everybody sane, yet
these women cannot marry for love”
13th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“With China’s economy
shrinking, so will global recovery. We should not be looking to China to help
resolve our recovery…”
“…It has to be a global
consensus to act in the right and proper way, so recovery on every aspect comes
into being”
“We are all a people who
share a planet. We must therefore work together in the security and wellbeing
of our planet, otherwise we all suffer”
“Until the world goes down
further, which it will, then nothing concrete will ever happen”
“As a people on this planet,
we must ensure the safekeeping in all aspects and to draw help and support from
each other”
“Wars are the main
destruction to this planet together with Global Warming, which most of this
world is still ignoring…”
“…When will this world
finally wakeup?”
“How dire does everything
have to get before we start to see the damage? Universal Forces are bringing
this planet to the brink…”
“…before it is saved, so that
Mankind will finally get the message and will no longer ignore what is so plain
to see!”
12th July 2012 (jandmayers
“The people of America have
not seen anything yet concerning Mitt Romney…”
“…He is a cloak and dagger
man. He hides, then he pounces and he thinks he can win his way”
“The American people are not naïve.
They are not fooled by the charades this man has to play in order to get their
“…See him fall from disgrace
as more important self-damming information comes out about him”
“Mitt Romney sees himself as saintly, as offering salvation to the people of America. This man is
dangerous and…”
“…his smile detects a hidden
revenge he wishes to take out of the people once he is in office”
“Allow events to unravel
themselves as more and more about his past is revealed…”
“…He cannot hope to pull the
wool over the eyes of Americans, who see him as an honourable man”
12th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“For Silvio Berlusconi to
even consider running for re-election in Italy next year shows just how desperate
the Italian people are”
“This man has not put a hand
in his personal pocket to help his people in their failing financial situation
“…why should he? He is only
interested in the office and the power – nothing more”
“The Italians must start to
have some faith in their legal system, even if it is a shambles. It is therefore
their own courts…”
“…which must take the lead to
wipe out greed and corruption and bring health back to a country which is
covered in sores”
“Like the plague, Italy is
toxic and so the treatment needs to be administered by themselves for the health
of the country to be restored”
11th July 2012 (jandmayers
“Child poverty in the UK
could be eradicated if money was spent in this important aspect instead of
bailing out our reckless banking system”
“As usual children and poverty
are at the lowest importance where matters of money, status and greed are at
the higher priority”
“Many millionaires in the UK,
pop stars especially with over £650 million pounds, could easily give to
eradicate child poverty…”
“…Most haven’t even bothered
to pay for a baby incubator in their own hospitals, such is their limited care”
“The priority in this day and
age is greed and that is why this world is in the mess it is in…”
“…Greed and corruption – The
‘I must have’ culture is the downfall of us all!”
11th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“As I have previously said,
this is the wake up call to the world. Nobody will escape the Universal
Intelligence and…”
“…all those who have done
wrong, no matter how long it takes, will be found out and come to justice”
“Corruption by Israeli Prime
Minister Ehud Olmert, corruption by South Korea’s Lee Sang-deuk – these guilty
people and…”
“…many others as in Pakistan,
Mexico and Colombia – the entire world and especially Africa…”
“…These people will come to
justice and the misery that they have inflicted on the people will be redeemed”
“The wakeup call to the
world’s institutions, where they have done wrong and all Governments, who have
abused their people, will find…”
“…they have nowhere to hide.
Their days are numbered”
10th July 2012 (jandmayers
“The so called bailout to the Spanish Banks by
the Eurozone Finance Ministers is a laughing stock…”
“…That money, when it
arrives, won’t even touch the sides of the Spanish banks”
“Their debts are ever
growing. No amount of money at this time will be able to plug the deficit.
These banks are literally bleeding money”
“The main artery of the
Spanish Bank System has been broken and it has been broken for several years”
“The wakeup call to the
Eurozone has to finally be admitted. All countries within the Eurozone are
simply bleeding money…”
“…When will the rot stop? One
simply cannot keep printing money with the hope that this Euro crisis will go
“There needs to be bold,
swift decisive action and reform of the entire banking system, so…”
“…that permanent safeguards
can be implemented and every transaction is accounted for”
“The bank’s culture is a
lottery and they are playing with customers’ money, so they can enjoy…”
“…the luxury of playing
Russian roulette with money they don’t own”
“The Russian roulette
situation is now backfiring and harsh realities and pain are being forced onto
“…as they cannot be allowed
to continue in this reckless way”
“Soon the Eurozone will have
no more money. It is fast coming to that day. It is no longer a bottomless pit
of revenue”
“The wakeup call to the
Eurozone has already started, as more countries will NOT agree…”
“…to bail out the debts of
other countries, while they too are in deep water”
“An economic standstill is
now in progress and it does not matter what Angela Merkel or other European
finance directors have to say…”
“…It is all grinding to a
“All will look in dismay at
their failed policies to continue to put sticking plaster over a gaping
financial wound…”
“…It just cannot happen
10th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The very tense situation in
Egypt will precipitate action by the people against the military”
“The military, who are not
elected by the people, will see their demands crushed…”
“…It will be an ongoing
battle before further action by the people to resume their battered lives comes
into force”
“The military will have no
choice, but to confront their own laws and weaken in the light of popular demand…”
“…They cannot any longer hope
to control Egypt by the jugular”
9th July 2012 (jandmayers
“See Yasser Arafat’s inquiry
into his death by Swiss scientists confirm their suspicions that Arafat was
poisoned by polonium–210”
“Yasser Arafat was a constant
threat to Israel and many attempts on his life were thwarted”
“However under house arrest
& Israeli military guard, who were in control of his food & water
supplies, the death occurred under their watch”
“As with everything in life,
those misdeeds of the past by Israel and other forces, who…”
“…think they can get away
with it, fail to ever think they will get found out”
“The Universal Intelligence
sees all and knows all and those who are responsible for Arafat’s death will be
“…They have blood on their
hands and with nowhere to go or hide – all shall be revealed!”
9th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The Church of England’s view
on female bishops being introduced should have been decided upon decades ago”
“Do we not live in a society
that claims men and women are equal and that we were created equal in order to
survive? …”
“…So is it not high time,
that women priests have the right to become bishops and act in the same way?”
“Jesus had Mary Magdalene as
his right armed person, whom he delivered the first sighting to after his death”
“Jesus held Mary Magdalene in
high esteem and in high office, whom he trusted above all, whom he married and
loved as an equal”
“She, together with the apostles,
was the first person to deliver Jesus’ words. Is it not fitting in this day
& age…”
“…to acknowledge women in
their rightful place to administer the teachings as well as their male
“Is the Church of England to
remain in the Dark Ages or are they going to try and progress into modern
“As it stands, the Church of
England has fallen behind in their teachings. People no longer go to church…”
“…Their ministry has not kept
pace with modern times & that is reflected in their congregations. By
allowing more women into the priesthood…”
“…it will see a better
balance of opinion and maybe, just maybe, they might get some real charitable
work done”
“…It is not about saving jobs
for the boys, but introducing what Jesus preached, go out & heal and bring
light into the lives of men & women…”
“…This concept has seen
little manifest of which the Church in general should be ashamed”
8th July 2012 (jandmayers
“The Libyan authorities will
be pleased with the election results, although no clear winner will be
“There needs to be a clearer
indication to the people what these candidates stand for enabling…”
“…a swifter conclusion for
the new voting system, which will come about”
“The Libyan people will be satisfied,
as the new involved outcome is finally announced and a new democracy can emerge”
“Saif al-Islam Gaddafi will
be tried by a High Court, which will satisfy all the people. Justice will be
seen to be done”
8th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“See Mexico come under great
unrest, as a new voting system to enable a positive victory for a president
will be introduced”
“The present system is flawed
and corrupt. The people will speak and a new way will evolve”
“Andy Murray will emerge the
victor after a nail-biting match. The former champion Roger Federer will have
no answers to match this man”
“See victory snatched from
the jaws of Roger Federer”
7th July 2012 (jandmayers
“The Serious Fraud Office
will find extensive proof into the rigging of inter-bank lending rates – far more
deeply than first envisaged”
“There are direct lines of
communications throughout many of the leading banks throughout the world on
inter-bank lending, so…”
“…the SFO will be able to
easily piece together a dossier of self-indulgent practice”
“The lid will further come of
the Libor situation leaving many casualties in its wake…”
“…The impunity regarding
these banks is primarily for self-interest, as they always thought they were
“Now, as more evidence comes
to light, more banking officials will be relieved of their posts”
7th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Mexico’s Presidential
Elections are a farce. New evidence will come to light concerning the rigging
up of elections…”
“…A new ballot of voting will
need to be considered”
“The situation in Afghanistan
will never be stable no matter how many billions are pumped into that regime.
The only one who benefits is the…”
“…corrupt President Hamid
Karzai, who can remain in power with his security forces to protect him, being
paid by the US and other Governments”
“It really is a bottomless
pit, while Hamid Karzai does precious little to deal with the many tribal
factions affecting his country”
“To be kept in power, where
everything is supplied for you and…”
“…one does nothing to
exercise governing, is something still in the dark ages of time”
6th July 2012 (jandmayers
“As predicted many army
officials will leave Syria in their droves. It will continue until Bashar
al-Assad is isolated”
“A senior Brigadier in the Syrian
Republican Guard has defected His role will signal many more defections as the
war escalates out of control”
“See Bashar al-Assad become
more and more withdrawn. He is a worried man and a wanted man”
6th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The breakup of the child
trafficking gangs in China has freed nearly two hundred children”
“Children are used as a
commodity just as rice or fuel. Until we begin to see all life as sacred
nothing ever changes”
“The people who are the
perpetrators of these crimes against innocent children will suffer the harshest
penalties. They have nowhere to hide”
“See more and more drug
barons being charged, as the step up to curb drug trafficking is now hotting up”
“The world has suffered too
much devastation over drugs. It is the people of the world who now will be
fighting back…”
“…Drugs won’t have the effect
on people’s lives as they once did”
5th July 2012 (jandmayers
“Many of our animals are
being killed to near extinction…”
“…The aggressive hunt to
obtain Minke Whales is putting these species in danger. They cannot breed fast
enough to serve demand”
“Mankind’s irresponsible
attitude over decades has brought these calamitous proportions into existence…”
“…Not only for the whale
populations, but to the black rhino as well”
“Mankind is mindless to the
extent of their own greed towards all life, whether it is animal, vegetable or
“There is only a finite amount
that this world can produce, which has taken centuries to develop and propagate”
“We, as a growing world of
people, can no longer sustain those needs.
Something has to give…”
“…Overpopulation will lead to
the downfall of this world”
“Too many people are going
without and that fact will increase as resources start to fail in one way or
“We, as people, must learn to
grow food and to serve our populations before it is too late…”
“…Important minerals are
running out and so the wakeup call to all of us is now!”
5th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The Olympic Games will be a
huge success, far greater than the UK ever thought possible. The people will
see breath-taking events…”
“…where Olympians will
surpass themselves and where complete outsiders come to the fore and surprise
“For many it will be a dream
come true and all will act in the spirit of the events…”
“…There will be life changing
situations, where mighty fall and the sleepy underdog get their day “
“Many will achieve
outstanding feats of courage and dexterity, lifetime achievement awards for
their dedication & determination over decades”
“See Oscar Pistorius come
into his own. His self-sacrifice is well worth the achievement he will obtain –
a sheer marvel to see”
“For some there will be
heartache, but for all a very positive outcome will occur…”
“…changing their lives for
the better, as only they will ever know”
4th July 2012 (jandmayers
“For Pakistan and India to
come together finally to have talks to bolster a fragile peace process will be
seen by many as long overdue”
“There is a real commitment
by both countries to try and settle some difficult issues and to put past pains
behind them”
“The success of these talks
comes in at a time when both countries are crying out for calm, restraint and a
desire of wanting to go forwards”
“New trade agreements between
the two countries will also be talked about”
4th July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“As I have mentioned before,
corruption or the cleansing now of the entire world, is taking place…”
“…No one is exempt and no one
will get away with it”
“General Mauricio Santoyo,
who has admitted while in office to helping drug gangs and right wing
paramilitaries smuggle cocaine to…”
“…Mexico and the US,
knowingly intended that these drugs would be imported into the US. He is now in
“Where are the morals of
these people, who hold high office and allow corruption to injure the lives and
the security of common citizens? …”
“…Because it does not affect
them they do not care. Their punishment will be hard indeed!”
“Israeli’s Border Police have
found out that one of their officers has kicked a nine year old Palestinian boy
– video footage is plain to see”
“Such hatred between Israel
and Palestine will burn itself out…”
“…No longer will the people
of these countries put up with this constant hate pressure”
“See the people on both sides
now start to question the motives of their Governments, who wish to fuel this
hatred for their own ends”
“The time has come. The people on both sides will start to speak
out & finally the politicians will have to answer to the will of the people”
3rd July 2012 (jandmayers
“As the world continues to be
in chaos and Spiritual Law becomes more and more effective…”
“…so industries that go
against the good of the people will be caught out”
“Now is the time where full
retribution in so many ways is beginning to bite and…”
“…no matter how far in the
past situations of wrongdoing occurred all now is coming to the fore”
“Justice with a mighty sword
now helps to sever the roots of all misdeeds and where the people of all lands
see justice is now taking place”
“Not one criminal act will go
unnoticed. Not one criminal act will go unpunished. The time has come. The
wakeup call to all will be witnessed”
3rd July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“All crimes towards humanity
will be dealt with in a swift and decisive way…”
“…Too many tyrants have got
away with wholesale torture and abuse towards their own people”
“Russia will see another
uprising, as the cauldron of unrest begins to boil over again”
“The people of the world now
realise that they must have basic human rights and…”
“…many are prepared to
sacrifice their own lives, so that others can benefit and live in a free state”
“Freedom of speech, freedom
of worship, freedom to be is everybody’s right on this earth, not just for
those who live in the West”
“A new kind of uprising to
hit Russia, Iran and China. No country is safe anymore…”
“…The voice of the people
will be heard. Unrest in these countries is now overflowing”
2nd July 2012 (jandmayers
“See the situation escalate
within the Barclays Banking Corporation. They will be destabilised as a result
of their greed”
“No bank is exempt from these
practices. It is just that some like RBS and Barclays have been the worst
assailants in these matters”
“Bob Diamond’s situation is
now untenable. The authorities are after his blood”
“The situation between Turkey
and Syria is now at breaking point. See Syria overstep the mark, as they become
increasingly hostile”
2nd July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The Syrian conflict is
becoming more hostile, as matters escalate out of control…”
“…The Syrian opposition
rebels want Bashar al-Assad out at all costs. His head on a spike for all to
“No one will back down in
this conflict, so continuing blood baths to occur…”
“…We have not reached the
climax yet. We are only in the early stages of this war”
“Islamist rebels, who
continue to destroy ancient monuments and shrines, will be brought to justice…”
“…Their crimes are against
the entire Muslim communities, as they continue to devastate sacred grounds”
“Their extreme belief system
will not save them. This they will soon find out”
1st July 2012 (jandmayers
“Corruption throughout the
world now is being cleansed. No more will this epidemic of greed be tolerated…”
“…The Higher Powers are in
charge of making these situations come to the fore”
“In the light of these
corruptions, all gratuities will be lost. What is gained by the one hand will
be lost by the other – no one benefits”
“Until the mind-set is changed
for all time, there will be no gains to individuals or to corporations, who
indulge in these practices”
“Banks are the greatest
perpetrators of this plague. See their cleansing be the harshest lesson of them
“…New laws will be passed to
eliminate these policies”
“See the banking systems
reformed and the heads of these banks made accountable to the people. Their
days are numbered”
“The cancelled project to
build Bangladesh’s largest bridge is due again to massive corruption and high
level fraud”
“Until these countries turn
to deal with matters in the right and proper way, they will never win”
“Business will not come to
these countries. Therefore all suffer because of their corrupt mind-sets”
1st July 2012 (ladylydialondon
“See Bob Diamond squirm under
questioning before the Treasury Select Committee. His authority and standing
now in tatters…”
“…He will be made an example
“Ministers are outraged and
the investigation into the Libor inter-banking lending will be swift and
furious. The perpetrators singled out”
“The damage to Muslim shrines
in Timbuktu, Mali, is of great concern…”
“…Whatever your beliefs,
these shrines are famous for their distinctive architecture and honour those
people who built them”
“Like the pyramids, they
represent the culture at that time. Timbuktu was a centre of Islamic learning
and commerce”
“To deny their existence
denies the people and their extensive learning of science, literature and the
law at that time”
“It proves that Islamist
fighters, who damage these shrines, have no cultural value and should never be
regarded with any kind of intelligence”
“Those who are educated
honour all culture and respect those countries beliefs”
30th June 2012 (jandmayers
“Being rich and doing nothing
with your money is now becoming a dirty word”
“You are judged not by how
many millions you have got, but what have you achieved with your wealth”
“Have you made an impression
regarding the eradication of poverty?”
“What action has your money
taken regarding helping those who are suffering massive deprivation?”
“How many children have the
rich managed to save, who are dying of disease?”
“All the rich now will need
to answer these questions”
“It is no longer great to be
seen as being rich and privileged, while others die in starvation and misery”
“All now will be asked the
same question, “What have you, as an
individual, done to help alleviate suffering in this world?””
“The pop stars, the highly
paid footballers, the bankers, the models, the playboys and royalty – “What have you done?””
“Nobody can take their money
with them…”
“…It is high time they put it
to good use, that way it will pay greater dividends than just monetary
interest. It will actually save lives”
“What have you done to save
this planet and helped to secure a future for the next generations?”
30th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The people, who give the
most, are the poor. They understand what
it is like to suffer and be deprived”
“Their generosity to others
in ways of practical help, time, food, patience and what little money they
“…is, as a form of charity, a
hundred per cent love each time”
“It is said in the Bible, the
widow woman, who gave her last and only penny, gave everything she had”
“How many who give, have ever
given that much? For most it is but a token gesture”
“There are many, who are out
there in this world, who are the saints. They are the ones, who are on the
front line of suffering, who…”
“…dedicate their lives in
helping humanity. It is they, who are the unsung heroes…”
“…Their names and faces are
not known to us, but the Higher Intelligence knows who they are”
“It is high time these people
were honoured for their bravery and courage. They are the true saviours of this
“Everybody, at some time or other,
will need help in their lives. It is often those who you never expect, who rise
up and are there to help”
“Their reward will be given
to them, not from those who they have helped, but by the Universal
Intelligence, who sees and knows all”
“But for these types of
people, who rally around in times of great despair and hopelessness, humanity
would have collapsed a long time ago…”
“…We owe so much to these unsung
heroes and know we are so blessed to have them in our lives”
29th June 2012 (jandmayers
“Again as usual, banking
ethics and practices go out of the window…”
“…Until Governments start to
make examples of these banking systems they have no right to govern”
“It is one law/rule for the
man in the street, who gets penalised if he/she goes overdrawn…”
“…yet these banks can
practice sharp practice and almost get away with it”
“Remember these bankers have
been getting away with it; it is only when they get found out does anything
minor gets done…”
“…They run roughshod over
everybody to feed their own greedy pleasures, so long as it never gets found
“When will we, as a people
and when will Governments around the world, wake up and do something? …”
“…The answer appears never,
as the power of the banking system is too great”
“So because Mankind is
negligent in its actions, so The Higher Force will need to address these
“More banks will go to the
wall and none of us will have much sympathy”
“See Bank Managers made up as
scapegoats, but higher banking officials will also fall!”
29th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Who said Global Warming
doesn’t exist? The amount of devastation due to massive climatic changes is
affecting every one of us”
“Every country throughout the
world at this time is suffering from the effects of climatic conditions and we
are powerless to stop it”
“Wake up people! Start to
take an interest and for Governments to be guided by what the scientists are
calling The New Age of Concern!”
“Colorado will be a disaster
zone for many years to come…”
“…Even next year will again
see more fast fires. The land won’t be able to recover for quite a while”
“See China launch another
rocket into space to follow up on its latest success of a docking operation in
28th June 2012 (jandmayers
“As has been predicted, the
banks globally will further fall. Barclays Bank, whose greed in underhand
systemic dishonesty, has been found out”
“Their fine is but a drop in
the ocean and is not a deterrent against their underhand practices…”
“…Until the cry from the
people is sufficiently outraged, nothing ever changes”
“The banks think they are
above the Law. When will Governments around the world exert justice against
these organisations…”
“…whose power makes them feel
they have carte blanche over other
law abiding institutions and the people”
“The Eurozone situation to
further come crashing down as…”
“…Angela Merkel and François
Hollande try to put more sticking plaster over this financial fiasco”
“When will these people wake
up to reality? The Euro can’t be saved…”
“…The entire situation needs
to be scrapped and a new robust law to be imposed, which all countries can
agree and work to”
“Everything the German
Chancellor does and…
“…other than banking
regulations to try and save this situation, will only see them fall deeper into
the pit”
28th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“As predicted, Russia to back
off and now can come on board to exercise a new Kofi Annan peace plan”
“The problem here is Syria
does not want peace…”
“…They want war & so the
Syrian Freedom Army will have their opportunity to exercise their right against
the oppression of Bashar al-Assad”
“The tragedy is that innocent
lives are always the price of a brutal regime until…”
“…the fuel of hatred is
finally burnt out and law and order through common sense can come in”
“See the Syrian Freedom Army
take Damascus and hail it a military success. Then and only then can the start
of a new peace plan be evoked”
“The UN can do nothing, but
sit back & watch for events to run their course & only then can they go
in & deal with the mounting casualties”
“The war on illegal ivory is
now turning…”
“…It has been a vast
exercise. Too many elephants have been exterminated for China’s insatiable
appetite for ivory…
“…To kill such a magnificent
animal to obtain tusks for ornamental reasons shows a warped mind. It means
life is not sacred them”
“Until the culture of ivory
changes the battle to keep these magnificent creatures alive is a very
difficult task indeed”
“Inspite of all the
sufferings, these creatures have endured…”
“…There is now light at the
end of the tunnel, as more awareness and education is being given. Hope to the
elephants is now there!”
27th June 2012 (jandmayers
“Queen Elizabeth II attended
a Thanksgiving Church Service in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland. The church was
of the Protestant religion”
“At the same time across the
road another Thanksgiving Service was being performed at the Catholic Church”
“Queen Elizabeth II decided
off her own back to visit the Catholic ministers and congregation after she had
attended the Protestant Service…”
“…So acknowledging the two
faiths and showing open solidarity towards the people of Northern Ireland”
“Her act, which is a clear
sign that she wishes to move on from the past and embrace the future of peace
and prosperity, is unprecedented”
“The Queen shows by her
example and wisdom that if the will is there to repair the pains of war, it can
be achieved”
“Will the rest of the world
sit up and take her example? …”
“…Much can divide us, it is
our job as Man to find out what binds and unites us and with love one can
always find a way”
27th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Queen Elizabeth II has set
an example of her unswerving will to show the world that through adversity one
can and must rise above it and…”
“…take the necessary stand to
put the past behind and start anew”
“Aung San Suu Kyi has equally
demonstrated her will to move on, that she bears no grudges towards her
“…Her role is to unite her
people through justice and peace”
“If these two outstanding
ladies, whose lives have been affected by much pain and sorrow, have the
courage and the wisdom to move on…”
“…from the past, then why is
it that others around the world cannot learn by their example”
“Is it the arrogance and the
selfish pride of those world leaders that keeps them entrenched in their
warlike situations?”
“Are they not brave enough or
have the wisdom to see the futility of it all…”
“…or are they like spoilt
children continuing to have their tantrums and think they are clever”
“The tragedy for world leaders
is that they cannot hide, all is revealed, especially their motives, which are
not the desires of their people”
“Bashar al-Assad has now
finally admitted that Syria is at war. Surprise, surprise…”
“…the entire world already
knew that and we predicted this sometime ago”
“Now it is open season on
killing by Bashar al-Assad on his people and anybody who is against him…”
“…Finally he can show his
hand of which he will be severely judged by his people, the world and the
Higher Forces”
“All is seen. Nothing is ever hidden. His hand has been in
every event, destroying all those who are against him”
26th June 2012 (jandmayers
“The Israeli evacuation of their settlers from
the West Bank to another location of Beit El…”
“…will do little to improve
relations with the Palestinian people”
“Until Israel and Palestine
can come to some permanent peace agreement, whereby trade between the two
countries becomes possible and…”
“…is overseen by an
‘independent other’ – nothing will ever get sorted out”
“War will just continue throughout
the generations. There is only one God and that God is of love and not war…”
“…All life is sacred and must
be held as such with respect given to all”
“The bitterness and
resentment from Mankind continues to burn within and will never rest…”
“…That brings illness, not
only to the individual, but to the nation”
“No benefit is built on the
foundations of hatred. All becomes bare and useless. Everything in that area
dies in one way or another”
“Nothing is achieved through
continued fear and unrest”
26th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The continued unrest between
Israel and Palestine will only continue while their politicians want it. Their
people do not!”
“If the situation in Northern
Ireland can be sorted out with the will of the people and its politicians, so
can peace be restored”
“Many years of war and unrest
have brought Northern Ireland to its knees…”
“…Now, through diplomacy and
a certain amount of forgiveness, a new era is born”
“Queen Elizabeth II will be
meeting Northern Ireland’s deputy first minister and…”
“…it will be a further step
into mending the many pains of the past”
“It takes intelligent,
broadminded people to go forwards and try to bridge the hurts of the past…”
“…It is only the stupid and
the arrogant who remain entrenched in their own hatred, which fuels their own
“Politicians who keep their
countries at war will pay the price, not only in this lifetime, but in the
“…Nobody gets away with such
continued disrespect for human life!”
25th June 2012 (jandmayers
“The greatness of a country
is reflected in the number of people who are poor…”
“…Governments in their own
countries first to build for them a future with hope as opposed to none!”
“Until poverty is addressed
throughout the world, there can be no future built on failing foundations.
Everything in time will have to collapse”
“There has to be a heart, a
compassion, in Mankind to do the right thing by his brother, his neighbour…”
“…All must do their parts to
raise the level of awareness that all Mankind has a right of care and support
when needed”
“Mankind has already failed
its children, as mass poverty encourages diseases and finally death…”
“…Which of us who are
affluent would welcome to chance the change places with these forgotten souls?”
“Instead of Europe reducing
their aid to poor countries, they should be thinking of reducing their support
“…irresponsible greedy
bankers, who have brought everybody down”
“Poverty is brought on by
failed states and hits the vulnerable…”
“…Banks fail due to lack of
regulation, accountability and greed. They hit all in society and are
25th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“As predicted that Syria’s
army would defect in their droves to Turkey, this mass exodus of army officials
will not stop”
“Before long Bashar al-Assad
will be toothless inspite of military support from Russia, which is now
wavering under extreme pressure”
“See the Bashar al-Assad
regime fall and a further bloodbath by the people against his own supporters”
“Russia will be side-lined,
as Turkey will puff up its feathers and show a military might which is ready
should the need arise”
24th June 2012 (jandmayers
“A high ranking US Roman
Catholic official has been found guilty of endangering children over sex abuse
“The tide is now turning
massively towards all churches, especially of the Catholic Church…”
“…who has allowed this
intense suffering of innocent children to occur”
“Their blind arrogant
attitude that their jobs are more important than the individual child’s life…”
“…who now must pay a life
sentence for what has been done to them”
“The churches all will be
smashed down, in ruins, as they also will go through a cleansing…”
“…No more have they the
luxury of doing as they please”
“They have forsaken their
people and the people will act as is their right to do so and…”
“…that is to abandon all
their churches that do not provide the necessities of life”
24th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“A true reformation to occur
with every institution in the land and the world. So many will fall, they can’t
believe it!”
“All institutions, be it the
Catholic Church, be it banking or financial institutions, all who thought they
were safe, will be no more”
“They have been asked to
reform and have been found wanting, so the price is swift decisive action”
“This transformation is a
global thing. See the mighty fall and the people at last are free from the
shackles of servitude”
“All will see this happening!”
23rd June 2012 (jandmayers
“For Egyptians the time of
reckoning has come about. A blood bath will ensue if the recommended demands by
the people are not met”
“See a new killing on Tahrir
Square; the army cannot contain the crowds”
“Syria will be put in
isolation, as the grip around Bashar al-Assad further tightens”
“Russia will capitulate and
withdraw its support, leaving Syria to its fate”
23rd June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“See a compromise between
Syria’s FSA and the regime to bring in radical reforms”
“The Syrian Government now in
a full stranglehold and isolated, it’s Generals leaving in their droves”
“The Afghan situation will
blow up again as militants of the Taliban further strike out against the world”
“To live in the dark ages is
the Taliban’s prerogative….
“…They do not have the right
however to force the Afghan people to submit to their ideology”
“Mankind is free to worship
whom they chose to, but not at the dictate of a gun to one’s head…
“…No respect can ever come
about because of this regime”
22nd June 2012 (jandmayers
“Anders Behring Breivik is
sane. A full psychiatric report will disclose this evidence…”
“…He was clear in his mind
that he was doing the right thing to save the people of Norway”
“His sentence will be harsh.
It will reflect public opinion and will safeguard against another happening
“The people of Norway will be
satisfied with the outcome. Their own dignities remain unblemished”
“The downgrading of banks by
Moody’s is necessary. Banks need to be brought into line…”
“…They do not have the right
to take those risks with other people’s money”
“They as usual always
overstep the mark. Their continued existence will be determined as another
run/fall on the banks is predicted”
22nd June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Rebekah Brooks will try and
slip out of her situation feeling she has might on her side…”
“…Her own naivety of
Spiritual Law will see her own downfall”
“Rebekah Brooks and others
will have stiff fines and penalty charges brought against them the likes of
which they can never recover from”
“Italy and the rest of Europe
will further fall…”
“…They have taken their eye
off what is necessary and that is the total reconstruction of the Eurozone”
“See the Greeks fight back as
a new package deal, which they can manage, will allow them the lifeline they
now deserve”
“The people of Greece will
now be able to start again. Their wakeup call has been severe indeed”
“For Europe the wakeup call
is still not being acknowledged & it’s only when it is teetering on the
edge will it finally recognise its faults”
21st June 2012 (jandmayers
“The amazing lady, Aung San
Suu Kyi, is an inspiration to us all for dedication to her people and their
“Her demonstration of visible
control and dignity against suppression of her own human rights is a lesson we
can all learn from”
“Aung San Suu Kyi and Nelson
Mandela are two of a kind. Their spirituality in putting ‘right’ before self is
a credit to their endurance”
“People of the world, we need
more of these souls to be a shining example to what the world needs. These are
the leaders we should produce”
“They put their people first
before their own liberty and should be praised to the Heavens”
“Ghandi is another one, whose
selfless devotion to putting across that situations can change if…”
“…the intention is right and
the cause is honourable and just”
21st June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Be warned. The Egyptian
Military will disrupt the polling results…”
“….They want the power and
they mean to have it regardless of what the Egyptian people want”
“This again is not a
democracy, but a continued dictatorship. See the streets filled with blood
again. This is a no win situation”
“Until the US backs off and
stops controlling the world because of their own fears, nothing will ever get
“Israel to experience further
clashes. See their country diminish and not get bigger. Other neighbouring
countries will start to enter in”
“Their worst fears that they
will be overrun are happening…”
“…The more you fear a
situation the more that fear is fed until the monster is released into a
“They only have themselves to
20th June 2012 (jandmayers
“At the G20 summit world
leaders said they would take all necessary measures to protect the Euro and for
Spain to recapitalise its banks…”
“…Nothing has been done to
deal with the Banking System, which brought about economic downfall in 2008”
“In Europe and the US, the
banks are still dealing in the mindless way they have always done. Nothing has
“When will Governments learn?
An entire restructure and reforms of the banks should have been done in
“All banks should be reduced
in size, so that their powers are limited and…”
“…a greater control is
brought back to the people, whose wages and income largely comes from them”
“Take away all banking
business and assets and they would cease to trade”
“While banks have a monopoly
all the time, the man in the street is left always at their mercy and economic
“…The banks always hold the
“See Mankind lose trust in
the Banking System and start to look to smaller operatives, who can give a
service and value for money…”
“…That time is not far off”
“The banks will finally lose”
20th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“All over the world justice
to the people is given…”
“…Those who are corrupt,
tyrants or mass murders all come under the Law and they get their just desserts”
“Until Pakistan with the help
of their Supreme Courts comes out of the Closet of Corruption and misdeeds to
their own people...”
“…they will have no standing
in this world”
“Both Man’s Law and God’s Law
will be exercised either separately or together…”
“…The Law will always prevail
and justice will be seen to be done and glorified”
“As predicted, Rupert
Murdock’s Empire will be radically reduced to nothing. The misdeeds within this
Empire will help to bring it down”
“…It will happen in Murdock’s
own lifetime”
19th June 2012 (jandmayers
“Prince Charles’ warning of
the catastrophic consequences on inaction to the Rio+20 Conference on climate
change is absolutely right”
“The world’s constant
negativity and unrest throughout is affecting the terrain and climate function
in so many ways”
“Water is being polluted
& this affects the land & crops, which then filters into the atmosphere
& is blown off course to infect other areas”
“Everywhere you look there
are more and more locations where land and water is dying…”
“…This is Man’s fault due to
extensive pollution the land and the water having increasing difficulties to
repair and regenerate itself”
“In some areas it is not
possible as the land is now too toxic”
“Until Mankind takes up
personal responsibility of our pollutants…”
“…the overload is ever increasing
and sustainability of life is further threatened”
19th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The wakeup call is to feed
the world’s starving, whether it is due to climate change or war-torn countries”
“The call is the same,
children are dying in their thousands and Mankind’s call to help is but a drop
in the ocean”
“Nobody wants to take
responsibility. Governments and politicians are only interested in lining their
“More and more Governments
will be pulled down until the cries of the people are finally heard”
“No Government is exempt or
too big to be pulled down. Look around the world today as more revolutions are
breaking out”
“The people are not at rest.
Mankind must now answer the call for help!”
18th June 2012 (jandmayers
“Egypt will erupt as they
announce a new President. It will be a scene where the Military will have to
back out and down”
“A position the Military
won’t like, but they will have no choice, as the President is a vote of
confidence for the people…”
“…a clear indication of where
Egypt wants to go”
“The world must now learn the
power of the people…”
“…No more will the people be
dictated to by adverse Governments, who rule at will and leave the people to
suffer immense hardships”
“The Higher Universal Forces
now brings reform back to the people, who were strangled and held entrenched by
their ruling Masters. No more!”
18th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“As predicted on our Twitter
site, Greece has finally won through – the party from the far right to emerge
the victors”
“See Greece transform
themselves and where they will dictate policies and Europe will need to oblige”
“Greece will secure a
necessary package, where money can be paid and… “
“… where the Law now protects
the people against Governments where they have mishandled matters in the past”
“See the Greek people
surrender their own beings and become more integrated, more united, in their
National survival”
“Heroes are born every day
and Greece will have their own. See a mighty force now turn matters around for
the good of the people”
“As predicted by us that
François Hollande would win in the Parliamentary Elections and…”
“…would have sufficient seats
to deal with the necessary financial reconstructions that he needs for his
country’s survival”
“Is there anybody out there
taking note, as more important information is given to the world through these
two sites than anywhere else?”
“This is a wakeup call to the
world. What are you politicians doing? Are you asleep or are you just waking
“We are now hot on the press
in advance of circumstances. Learn and read, be enlightened. The wakeup call is
all around you!”
17th June 2012 (jandmayers
“As usual greed prevails…”
“…Olympic tickets should be
for the deserving public and not for Olympic representatives willing to sell their
tickets for thousands of pounds”
“Every ticket sold to an
individual should have that person’s name on it and the price…”
“…Any mishandling of extra
funds being paid for those tickets should have those tickets removed on entry”
“Until there is a no
financial gain, there will always be a black market set up for this aim”
“All those who have gained by
their greed will see that they will lose it by the same account…”
“…All ill-gotten gains are
removed by Universal Law”
17th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The Dalai Lama on tour
throughout the UK, his aim is to spread Buddhist teachings of peace and
understanding to youngsters”
“Peace and understanding
should be taught to all ages…”
“…Respect bring given to the
wise elders of our society, so that through their example it can then filter
down towards the young”
“It is the disrespect by the
young to the elderly and each other in society, which has caused massive unrest
throughout the UK”
“The young see the world is
only for them and the older generations have run their sell by date”
“Until society respects those
who have gone before with all their experience, how will the young ever learn!”
16th June 2012 (jandmayers
“The world is such a small
place and what happens in one country, good or bad, affects those in
neighbouring countries”
“Where there is goodwill,
then all around goodwill is felt and delivered – all prosper”
“Where there are bad policies
they too affect us. Unrest and negativity all hurt and the people suffer”
“Where there is gross
negativity by the people in the case of death and destruction…”
“…these negative forces
continue to impregnate the land and the surrounding pastures all are affected
and suffer”
16th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Many parts of the world are
infected by the negative destructive forces that Mankind has inflicted”
“Crops do not yield enough
harvest. They are blighted. Water
becomes putrefied and is undrinkable”
“The land starts to die as
the negativity incurred removes the love, neutering the necessity to restore
life. Barren wastelands occur”
“Man’s destructive forces are
all around us. Mother Earth fights to cope; often it is not enough…”
“…The negativity is too great
to bring about a recovery”
“Love must enter in so
healing to the world, land, livestock and mankind can again live together and
15th June 2012 (jandmayers
“Egypt’s situation will go
from bad to worse with the system getting out of control”
“The military together with
the US want to keep the status quo of the old regime. They will see an
overthrow of the next illegal Government”
“Egyptian people have fought
for their right to have a democracy…”
“…The military and the US
have to give those people that right; otherwise the repercussions will be
15th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Greece to make a stand to
help Govern themselves…”
“…Their situation is dire,
but the people are now willing to relinquish the austerity package endorsed by
“The Greek people will fight
to achieve a form of solidarity to bring about a sense of self-governing…”
“…the likes that Europe has
not seen before”
“Never underestimate the
Greek people. They are resilient and a new form of financial structure will
come in…”
“…whereby they can form a
Government and finally manage their own affairs”
“See the Euro further drop.
It is literally hanging on by a prayer. The Greater Forces will remove its
power to buy”
14th June 2012 (jandmayers
“The Falkland Islanders will
relish these celebrations of freedom from Argentinian occupation some thirty
years ago”
“The Falkland people will
reunite in solidarity to remain British. These islands will never fall foul of Argentinian
invasion again”
“See a renewed strength in
the Falkland people, as more tourists will apply to come in and be welcomed –
their tourist industry to grow!”
“Whatever Argentina tries to
do it will be quashed…”
“…Right and might is on the
side of justice for all and that is where these island people are coming from”
14th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Russia now is sealing its
own fate, so frightened is it of their own destructive legacy, it cannot move
into the 21st century”
“Still plagued by tyrants and
suppression, Russia will have to change as its people will demand it…”
“…It is not the people, who
do not want to integrate with the outside world…”
“…It is their Governments,
who continue to hold the shame of the past and are frightened it will all come
“Russia’s Government is
frightened of its own shadow and so their iron tight grip will disintegrate…”
“…They cannot hold the
balance of power any longer”
“See a new surge of violence,
not only in Russia, but also in China…”
“…These Governments no longer
can maintain the lid of suppression among its people”
“The Universal Energies will
unite for the people and give them the necessary strength and…”
“…courage to stand up and
fight the common enemy within their own suppressed Governments”
13th June 2012 (jandmayers
“As predicted, Syria is now
in a state of Civil War. The conflict to escalate and…”
“…the FSA will start to make
imposing advances, much to their surprise and to the surprise of the Government
“Inspite of Russian attack
helicopters, which they are supplying to the Assad Government, it will be of no
“Russia to have egg on their
face, as they will be isolated from events and it will eventually turn on them”
13th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The Moscow revolt will
escalate in their protests against fraudulent votes in December’s Presidential
“No matter how hard Putin
demonstrates against his own people with his hard-line tactics, all will come
to nothing”
“The Russian people have been
here before. They know fear and ruthless behaviour by the Government. This time
they are not afraid”
“But Putin will be!”
12th June 2012 (jandmayers
“As predicted, the Russian
people will continue to revolt. They
will be heard”
“Putin is running sacred. He
knows his underhand schemes of destruction are coming under closer scrutiny
“…that the Russian people
will no longer put up with him or his shenanigans”
“See a growing movement of
unrest being unleashed by the Russian people.
They will win in the long term”
“Putin and his henchmen will
be announced on general television, as the people will want his blood and his
“The Revolution is here to
12th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The situation in Syria will
start to fall in its intensity, as more soldiers of the state defect”
“They do not want to get
involved in war crimes against their own people and they see matters escalating
and getting out of control”
“The Syrian Army will be
caught in a backlash and will have to pay the price for the mass execution of
their own people”
“See Bashar al-Assad being
executed by his own people. His time is
“As Gadaffi had his time, all
tyrants now the world over, one by one, are facing impending doom by their own
11th June 2012 (jandmayers
“Syria will try a last ditch
attempt to bring the country under military control. It will fail”
“The FSA are now gathering
momentum as they seize the initiative to strike hard at the seat of Government”
“An open wound in Bashar
al-Assad’s army of which he cannot heal – more defections are emerging”
11th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“See a boost to President
Obama’s ego, as a plot to succeed him fails. He is being counter undermined and
it leaves him vulnerable”
“A new established Government
in France is gaining momentum…”
“…as President François
Hollande will pass reforms, which the French can and will manage”
“New policies by George
Osborne to alleviate the austerity packages will be welcomed by all branches of
“A new ideas programme will
see George Osborne lift off restrictions and…”
“…impose a better package of
policies, which can make growth to the UK appear”
10th June 2012 (jandmayers
“Spanish disaster is looming.
It cannot any longer control its failing banks, which are in disarray”
“The Spanish Government is
trying to save face in the face of German economic restrictions…”
“…The Spanish banks are in
tatters. They cannot hold on”
“Further defragmentation of
the Eurozone is occurring…”
“…When will these politicians
face facts instead of hiding from the truth – their policies are not working”
“Spain will default on its
debts & a huge financial crisis in the Eurozone will be felt. The IMF doesn’t
have the funds for this huge bailout”
10th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“No matter what President
Obama says regarding the steering away of the Eurozone from economic crisis, we
are already in it”
“Nothing can stop the
Eurozone falling. It has to fall completely before it can be rebuilt in a
better way”
“Taking control away from the
big banks and putting back control into smaller institutions, who serve the
people and…”
“…where financial safeguards
are always in place, must occur”
“See more and more banks fall.
There is no safety net anymore”
9th June 2012 (jandmayers
“As has been predicted Kofi
Annan’s peace plan will have to be torn up and redrafted…”
“…Bashar al-Assad has made a
complete mockery of the entire thing”
“While the world is at odds
as to how to deal with Syria, so civil war is upon them and nobody can stop it”
“The world looks on as Bashar
al-Assad, Russia and China continue to laugh. Their collective might is
superior at this stage”
“However the worm is now
turning and Bashar al-Assad will be condemned by his own people and tried for
war crimes…”
“…He will face the death
9th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“As predicted, a vast range
of politicians from all aspects of society in Egypt is now being formed”
“This will at last give
greater assurances to the Egyptian people and a feeling that they are now
heading towards democratic reform”
“The al-Shabab organisation
in Somalia is now being dismantled, as their own organisation is under attack
from within”
“See the Somalian people gain
full rights to their country and…”
“…to renew trade links, which
will help stabilise a Government, which was not possible before”
8th June 2012 (jandmayers
“Money, hard cash, is
primarily what keeps the world turning. Too much deceit, too much greed, now
affects us all”
“See a major dip in trade and
money. Countries now strapped for cash can no longer expect to be bailed out”
“The world collapsing in so
many aspects, war will become secondary to the fight to feed ourselves, where
nothing can be traded”
“See world famine take over
from war, as people cannot fight who cannot feed themselves”
“Universal Law, the likes
this world has not seen since the time of Moses, will hit all parts of this
8th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The world is now facing
economic disaster on a magnitude not seen before”
“World leaders, powerless to
address these situations, will see them fall from power”
“The wake-up call to the
world is now…”
“…Are politicians sitting up
and listening or are their egos so great they ignore what has been brewing for
“Look now politicians to
those who know what will happen and who have the direct line to know how to
deal with it”
“It is no good asking when
matters are so out of control. Ask before it happens, so you are in a better
position to put it right”
“All Governments will be
shocked into finally listening and doing something!”
7th June 2012 (jandmayers
“The world economy to take a
shattering blow, as markets in all countries come crashing down”
“The influence of the European
markets will have the desired knock-on effect to other world markets, slashing
money from shares”
“This is the wake-up call the
world needs. Unless economic restructure is sound and solid with banks being
reassessed, no one is safe anymore”
“Japan to take another fall
on their markets as weaknesses in their budget reforms do not make any
difference at all!”
7th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Europe is in declined, no
matter how many bandages or treaties are established, no one can save these
“Reform must mean reform and
institutions and banks will continue to fall until the banks and finance groups
are restructured and…”
“…policies put into place to
stop their reckless speculation”
“See a landslide in Financial
Markets throughout the world”
“China, Russia, the Middle
East cannot escape this devastation. The wake-up call is now!”
6th June 2012 (jandmayers
“For the Queen to increase
her popularity and to maintain momentum…”
“…a special force of active
support for the underprivileged would see a legacy sewn up”
“The country is in dire need
of a leader without political bias to give generations, who are deprived,
something to hold onto”
“This, together with the UK
Churches, would be an open signal that they can and must do more”
“The Diamond Jubilee has left
many of us united in national pride…”
“…Let us take it that bit
further and aid those who are in ways not able to help themselves”
“Like Prince Charles, with
his various Princes Trusts, is able to deal with enterprise, so our
underprivileged also need special help…”
“…It can only come from those
who care and are in a position to do something about it”
6th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Vladimir Putin’s control
behind the scenes of Russia’s Parliament, to curb Russians from their freedom
of speech, will back fire”
“The more Putin puts a
stranglehold on his people, the more they will revolt”
“Putin’s fear, that he will
be deposed and his power lost, is only a matter of time. The more one fears,
the more it will happen”
“His shaky Presidency will
explode in his face as he oversteps the mark.
Russia’s revolution is just gathering momentum”
“Like the Tsars were deposed,
so will Putin be in time”
5th June 2012 (jandmayers
“Damascus increasingly will
become a powder keg for the Free Syrian Army, who is hell bent now on taking
revenge no matter what the cost”
“Bashar al-Assad has brought
his people to the brink of Civil War…”
“…His attitude is only of
self-preservation and nothing else. He will be brought down!”
“As Bashar al-Assad further embarrasses
both Russia and China with his contempt, so they will relinquish their support of
“See other countries now arm
the Free Syrian Army to bring about a more equal contest…”
“…The Syrian people will be
heard no matter what the rest of the world has to say”
“The Kofi Annan’s peace plan
will be re-written”
5th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations
send out a clear message to the world that…”
“…the people of Great Britain
love their Queen and rejoice in her longevity”
“The stability and service to
her people is a clear indication of her steadfastness to keep a nation together
with love and respect”
“Her rein has not been easy,
often turbulent and upsetting, yet her spirits remain resolute…”
“…in her passion to serve her
people, which she sees as her duty to all”
“For those in respective
Governments around the world, who look on and admire…”
“…they should look now to
their people and to see if they have been found wanting?”
4th June 2012 (jandmayers
“China’s human rights issues
are appalling and getting worse by the day, as the Government puts down
“…which they see can disrupt
their regime”
“A growing concern by the
Chinese Government, as little pockets of unrest are increasing and gaining
momentum all over the country”
“This unrest and the desire
of its people to be free of a military state of control…”
“…is forcing them to see how
other parts of the world are acting”
“The people are more educated
and becoming streetwise. For the people to rise up a further gathering of
momentum will take place”
“Once the people overcome
their fear over poverty and suppression they become an unstoppable force”
“The young especially will be
the driving force, as they can see their depravation can no longer be tolerated”
4th June 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
is a monument to the nation’s support for a Queen whom they love and…”
“…a natural tradition, which
outlasts every aspect of human life”
“The Queen will see another
birthday of enormous changes both inside the monarchy and without”
“A new birth to the Royal
Family will be a joy to the nation, as it will signify a turning point in how
the monarchy handles the next decade”
3rd June 2012 (jandmayers
“Out of the grey skies, the
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee royal barge will be in gleaming sunshine”
“A day of pageantry and
excitement, see the weather shine through on this glorious occasion. All will be fine”
“Many street parties will
have the fun and pomp that they will make for themselves. It will be a true day
to remember”
“The people of Great Britain
will remember this glorious event as Great Britain truly rises out of the ashes
of despair – very uplifting”
3rd June 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“As predicted the rising up
of the people in Egypt against the regime”
“The military Government have
not heard the people. They think just to appease them is enough”
“The US influence in Egypt is
not wanted and they have to realise for a true democracy to come about…”
“…the US have to back off and
stop controlling Egypt’s military for their own purpose”
“A further bloodshed is
likely unless the military Government backs down and answers finally to the
“The people must be allowed
to deal with their own affairs and…”
“…with a fledgling
Government, enter into the 21st Century and to learn what true
democracy is all about”
2nd June 2012 (jandmayers
“Egypt will see Mubarak’s
sons committed to long term imprisonment. They have not escaped the rule of law
and the country demands justice”
“See Andy Murray go through
another round of tennis. His confidence is now rising and he is beginning to
gather momentum”
“Know the grass court season
will be an impressive time for Andy Murray…”
“…as he goes beyond what he
thought was his best ever tennis – a startling time”
2nd June 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“Aung San Suu Kyi will make
the necessary changes to bring down the military in Burma”
“The world now looks to Burma
for change. All eyes are on this country for real democracy, as they have been
in the wilderness long enough…”
“…The Government wishes to
have a more lucrative time of it. Austerity has been a very high price for the
people of Burma”
“See new roads and railways
being built in Burma linking in vital routes for the county, so trade at last
can come to the people”
1st June 2012 (jandmayers
“For Andy Murray to recover
from his back trouble, he has to believe he will be supported throughout his
life and let the past go”
“Andy Murray’s past was
plagued with a number of severe issues, all of these he has finally conquered,
except the latest”
“He will not let himself down
and the structure is already in place to allow him to come through the ranks
“…be a world player over and
above what he is today”
“Fortune will hit him and
give him the master stroke of genius that he has been searching for…”
“…It is all around him now
and the beginnings of great things are indeed emerging”
“Look out for a burst of
strength and anticipation, which now takes him onto the next level of genius”
1st June 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“Spain’s banking systems are
defaulting one by one. They cannot hold on in this grip of mismanagement and
“See half of the country lose
out. It’s economic structure completely in tatters…”
“…The bailout is hard to
predict, but a 20% offering of help is all that can be produced under the
gravity of this fiasco”
“The IMF is in no financial
position to offer any long term assistance. They just don’t have the funds
“See Spain limp and try to
survive a further economic battering…”
“…Their banking structure is
heading for the high water line and it is not stopping there”
“See more Spanish Banks
default and left by their Government. They cannot be bailed out. Their time due
to mismanagement has now come”
31st May 2012 (jandmayers
“For Israel and Palestine to
come to the table to negotiate a peace plan will need all the politicians to
have a common theme of peace…”
“…The world now looks to
Israel and Palestine to sort out lasting peace arrangements”
“The world is totally fed up
of this continuous cauldron of obstinate inactivity…”
“…where egos and saving face
far outweigh what is now necessary for the people”
“The political machine must
exercise restraint and at the same time there has to be a lasting trust…”
“…where settlements are
maintained and where people can at last learn to live together”
“We are all people of God. We
are all special and unless we do the right thing here, so we will be judged by
our inaction and arrogance”
“Arrogance has no place in a
peace process. It has to be for the
greater good of the people on both sides”
31st May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“The Arab League now must put
pressure on Syria with teeth to avoid another blood bath”
“The cease fire will hold for
a while and further erupt again”
“Bashar al-Assad is trigger
happy. He sees revenge for all who seek to oppose his regime, which is his
“Assad is now fearful for his
own life & for the safety of his family, as there is mounting opposition
within his inner circle to his regime…”
“…He trusts no one anymore”
30th May 2012 (jandmayers
“China is now hitting a wall
of Global dissatisfaction…”
“…They are seen as
perpetrators of everybody who steps in their way regardless of colour, creed or
“They are the Pirayas of the
present world and in time their own people will rise up against them with a
force not known in their lifetime”
“The stirrings of the Chinese
people against their own Government are starting to rumble and…”
“…the hierarchy are now
concerned as to whether they can keep a lid on it”
“Tibet is being openly
defiant and to the last man, woman or child they will have their say against
the oppression of China”
“Like all bully regimes,
which is based on hot air and a clenched fist, they cannot hold down a people
“…See the Chinese people
revolt. Their time will come!”
30th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“Egypt will see another
uprising, as the people are still dissatisfied with the Electoral outcome”
“Violence will again break
out on the streets of Cairo, as a new revolution will start up again”
“America and the Egyptian
military must back off to give a true and fair Election for the people”
“American, behind the scenes,
influence is continuing to disrupt the proper transition to Civilian rule and…”
“…still wants to maintain the
status quo”
“This will not happen. The
Egyptian people have had enough”
29th May 2012 (jandmayers
“It is a shame that Dr Rowan
Williams did not do more about the gap between the rich and the poor…”
“…As a high ranking
churchman, his service is to the people, his flock and his responsibility
before God”
“To voice his concerns now
that he is leaving office is paramount to locking the stable door after the
horse has bolted”
“What on earth has Dr
Williams been doing all this time in office? ...”
“…He should have been out in
the streets organising shelter for the homeless and not sit pontificating in
his ivory tower”
“The poor need help. Everybody who has reached that rock bottom
position understands that…”
“…Everybody in the world
needs help at one time or another and the poor more than most”
“The Church’s job is to look
after these people, make provisions for these people, as their solemn duty
before God…”
“The Church, as always, is
found wanting. Is it any wonder nobody goes anymore? They can’t afford it!”
29th May 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The situation in Egypt
regarding the Presidential Elections will not go well…”
“…Expect an uprising with the
military exercising their rights again”
“Man must adopt a positive
stand if change for Egypt is to occur. Their road is still a difficult one with
many sects not represented”
“See another coup come about,
as unrest will spiral out of control until the people will finally be heard”
28th May 2012 (jandmayers
“The Dalia Llama, the
spiritual leader, has a responsibility towards his people in Tibet…”
“…His quiet dialogue meets
with deaf ears on the Chinese Government. He must support his people”
“The escalating
self-immolations in Tibet will continue until the world wakes up towards
Chinese dominance over a peaceful people”
“It is easy to bully where
there is no opposition. China will have to face the world on Human Rights Issues
“…it will be the people of
China, who are beginning to stand up and speak out against their Government”
“See a new revolution of
Chinese people, who are in sympathy with the Tibetans…”
“…as they see their plight as
almost similar against an oppressive regime”
28th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“The state of corruption is
being attacked on every level…”
“…By Universal Law all
institutions, who engage in corruptive practices, will be brought down”
“Evidence of this is
occurring from the small corporation to the larger fish, who think they can get
away with it”
“Egypt’s Zakaria Azmi, an
aide to Hosni Mubarak, has just been jailed for 7 years on corruption charges
over a 30 year period”
“Pakistan’s Government
officials also are involved in corruption, as are other countries around the
“There is no hiding place.
All will come to justice and will be judged, not by the people but by The Law.
None can escape this ruling!”
27th May 2012 (jandmayers
“Syria is entering into civil
war, as more unrest throughout all the cities, is becoming heightened…”
“…See a great unrest, as arm
to arm combat will be openly seen”
“The Arab League is doing
next to nothing to help in this aimless bloodshed. Their minds are on other
“…The shame they have on
their conscience, as so many innocents are further slaughtered”
“Look not to the UN to
support Syria, but for Arabs to support Arabs…”
“…When will they finally take
responsibility and get their own hands dirty?”
“Where is the Arab League’s
humanitarian input? They do nothing, but sit on their thrones expecting the
West to do their work for them”
“While they sit and do
nothing, so the pain of their inept attitude will haunt them for all their days”
“By Spiritual Law, if you do
nothing to come to the aid of your fellow brothers and sisters…”
“…so you cannot expect any
help when it becomes your turn – which it will!”
“All have to stand up and be
counted. No Muslim is exempt while innocent children are being slaughtered. See
your own downfall now!”
27th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“The UN will hold back in
this continued bloodbath of Syria. Others now must take their rightful place
and come to Syria’s rescue”
“See Turkey step up its
action, as a gathering momentum of Muslims start to come to the rescue…”
“…It will be too little too
late. It is however all we can hope for”
“A growing concern that
Syria’s war will overspill into neighbouring countries is a real possibility…”
“…See little skirmishes along
the Syrian borders, which will ignite others to unrest. The seeds are now sown”
26th May 2012 (jandmayers
“The goings on in the Vatican
have largely been conducted behind closed doors…”
“…This new revelation of
misconduct by the Vatican comes as no surprise to the many Catholics, who are
members of this organisation”
“If the Vatican seeks to
cover up paedophiles within its organisation what else will it cover up?”
“They want to be a law unto
themselves and give different rules for their parishioners to live by”
“Until this organisation
finally falls to its knees and is no more, nothing largely will ever change”
“There is a growing consensus
that the Vatican can no longer preach one thing to its parishioners anymore…”
“…There is a gradual, but
effective decline in their churches”
“Their congregations are
finally waking up that no priest can give absolution for the sins of another,
only God can do that!”
26th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“See the Pope come out in
defence against these leaking documents again to save face”
“His actions will discredit
him as others have already done”
“The Vatican is slowly losing
its power, but it still has some way to go before it finally falls for all
“…This institution is rotten
to the core”
“Spanish banks will see the
weight of their actions be their undoing and more will fall by the wayside”
“They are impervious to their
lack of regulations within their own banking system”
“See them fall because of
their arrogance. No banks these days are safe, who imply they are above the
rule of law and regulations”
25th May 2012 (jandmayers
“Pakistan as usual is doing
their schoolboy antics. If we don’t get our way and save face with our people,
we will resist the US again”
“Pakistan’s double-dealing is
imbedded in the Pakistan’s psyche. They just don’t know how to play it straight”
“Pakistan wants everything
always on their terms and the world has to pay highly for their actions…”
“…It does make one see where
India is coming from. They have first-hand experience of the double-dealing Pakistan
gives out continuously”
“US’s stance in dealing with
Osama bin Laden without Pakistan’s knowledge speaks volumes”
“Pakistan by their actions in
India, Afghanistan and other Muslim countries show they are not fit to be
“The example their leaders
give to educate their children is all about corruption and mistrust. What a
legacy for the world to see”
25th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“The Olympic Games will set a
great example of unity to the people of Great Britain…”
“…Pride will be seen from the
smallest person to the oldest. All will have something to smile about”
“There will be tiny
skirmishes around the Grand Stadium as well-wishers will get over excited and
out of hand”
“The European Council, who
wish to strengthen the Eurozone, is trying to set in motion something that
cannot be fixed in its present form”
“No matter how many sticking
plasters you put over the Eurozone, it cannot hold its position…”
“…The splits are too great to
piece together. See everything defragment itself”
24th May 2012 (jandmayers
“The courage and
determination of the people of this world to have human rights is their basic
right. Their voices will be heard”
“The world leaders are too
often trying to protect their financial interests with total disregard for the
human rights within those countries”
“This kind of hypocrisy is
noticed the world over. It is the double standards that we as Nations put up
with instead of speaking out”
“It is only when enough
people globally gather together and start to express their outrage…”
“…that Governments will be
forced to act and support Amnesty International”
“These double standards by
Nations, who profit before the rights of the people, will see those contracts
come to nothing”
“These profits will be lost”
24th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“No one can gain on the
misfortune of another. That happens the entire world over and is witnessed in
day to day life”
“Where the right intention is
not at the forefront of business and day to day matters, nothing concrete can
ever be established”
“The Eurozone only wish
Greece to remain in their club according to the rules. The innocent people of
“…those hardworking citizens,
will have to suffer. All that is important to Eurozone leaders is that they
“Where are the human rights
of the Greek people, who have suffered under the hand of their Government
“It is Greece’s politicians,
who should be paying a high price for the downfall of their people”
“When is this world going to
wake up and make Governments and individuals stand up and take personal
responsibility for their mistakes?”
“When are the rights of the
Greek people being heard? By Universal Law this is about to happen and the blow
to the Eurozone will be justified”
23rd May 2012 (jandmayers
“Egyptians will have a
resounding victory over the army…”
“…as votes for the army’s
representative will fall and an outsider, who was not predicted, will form a
legalised Government”
“The Egyptian people will
finally be able to live and reconstruct their lives…”
“…It won’t be a popular vote
with the US, but it will be the right vote for the people”
“At last the memory of Hosni
Mubarak will be no more”
23rd May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“Christine Lagarde’s idea
that other members of the Eurozone would be prepared to pay more to keep Greece
in, is farcical”
“Other Eurozone countries
will not be prepared and Greece will fall leaving a gaping hole in the
European’s banking system”
“See the reality of Greece’s
fall and subsequent rise in their own time and in their own way. The IMF will
have no bearing on them”
“Another financial package
will be introduced to assist Greece’s fragile economy…”
“…Greece will eventually get
there and be content with their own independence at last”
22nd May 2012 (jandmayers
“To begin from scratch will
not be easy, but necessary for the European Union…”
“…It is their only hope to
untangle a mess, which has lasted for years”
“A push/forced situation will
arise giving the EU no choice…”
…but to abandon present
uncooperative measures, as the monetary situation further sinks”
“All fiscal policies now need
to be scrapped…”
“…as country after country is
collapsing under the strain of measures, which act as contrary to what is right”
“New laws will be written and
only a small number of countries will remain in the European Union and even
that in time will break up”
22nd May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“Prince Charles to make an
amazing speech, which will involve austerity measures of which he also is
“He has seen first-hand the
devastation and is willing to assist his own Prince’s Trust…”
“…to accommodate more
flexibility where growth is concerned”
“Prince Charles to open a
more advanced scheme, which will lead the way with new active policies…”
“…He is changing in so many
directions and bringing back to the people a sense of self-worth and esteem”
“A collective force to guide
him to help more of the under-privileged will see him hailed as great indeed”
21st May 2012 (jandmayers
“It is necessary for Man to
stop in his tracks and to see a world out of control. Even nature is now so unpredictable”
“For normality to be brought
in, a Higher Intelligence will start to operate, bringing in a removal of
negative and irresponsible practices”
“Many world leaders, kings, queens,
despots and tyrants, will see their removal where they have not served their people”
“More unrest will occur until
the people are heard and, with the Higher Intelligence behind the divine plan,
they will have their retribution”
21st May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“Start to see more top people
in the world lose their positions. Where they have been negligent for their
people, they will be ousted out”
“No one now the world over is
safe any longer. A divine force of such magnitude will redeem the suffering and
those who are in need”
“The world is changing. It is
unstoppable and Man will have his say and his freedom against oppression of the
higher ruling classes”
“Unless change for the people
is rectified, these ruling classes will be exposed and removed. Their time is
now up”
“See the Higher Intelligence take
over the reins to restore justice and a safer way of life”
20th May 2012 (jandmayers
“To unify Europe in one
complete state would be an impossibility due to the many contrasting national
and social differences…”
“...Man is an individual and
his interests and heritage should convey that”
“The more critical
differences we have in one country can only enrich our nation, but one must
never forget…”
“…what equally binds us as a
nation and that is we believe in the uniqueness of that nation, which is
different to others”
“By being part of the one,
but equally separate, we are able to live more freely and…”
“…to exercise our intellect
in a more positive and prosperous way”
“Stability within our own
minds then can allow us to grow and explore further what is around us, but also
what unifies us”
20th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“To accept a more stabilising
Europe, first radical reforms throughout all nations must be adopted and put
“Political aspects can no
longer afford the discretion of being popular and therefore keeping in
“…but to do what is
ultimately right for the people”
“A fresh outbreak in
Afghanistan will see a recurring bloodbath. The Taliban are out of control with
indecisions running rife”
“Until all forces withdraw
from Afghanistan leaving the Afghans to sort out their own mess, nothing but
further lives are lost”
“The value of a life is
priceless in the West. In the East life is cheap and worth next to nothing…”
“…How can these people’s
philosophy accept this concept when all life is sacred and divine?”
19th May 2012 (jandmayers
“President Obama’s G8 meeting
at Camp David will make remarkable strides forwards in so many ways”
“The Euro situation plan put
forward by President Obama’s aids will not be able to serve its designed
“The fundamental flaws in the
Eurozone need to be sorted out and not plastered over”
“A total stripping down of
all financial packages to ensure new banking regulations are in place…”
“…with the relevant
safeguards, will be the turning point for fiscal reform”
“See Angel Merkel’s policies
squeezed out of all recognition. Nothing
can hold them anymore”
19th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“A new situation will arise
in Syria, finally turning the tide for the Freedom Fighters to gain a
substantial advantage”
“The Freedom Fighters will
see a way through the deadlock against Assad they never thought possible before”
“External forces will now
come in to help to exacerbate the situation, so that Bashar al-Assad can
finally fall”
“The Olympic flame will
largely go unhindered, security being very tight indeed. Small skirmishes will
ensue, but nothing that cannot be handled”
“The pleasure that the
Olympic flame brings breathes new life and patriotism into this country”
“The UK can again feel proud,
as they emerge out of the wilderness of despair and into a more lucrative era”
18th May 2012 (jandmayers
“The prolific agony of the
starving millions of children worldwide is for the relief agencies a hopeless
“…Yet billionaires around the
world do not want to see this problem”
“They are not interested, as
there is nothing in it for them”
“The world is changing from a
I-must-have society to what-can-I-do and what-can-I give, but it is painfully
“The reason for this is that
the majority of people who give is the man in the street, who has little as it
“…It is they who give to the
various children’s charities of the world”
“How often do we hear of
individual billionaires giving to save these helpless souls? …”
“Their interest lies
elsewhere in obtaining football clubs and earning a substantial profit from
their financial input”
18th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“For all those
institutes/people, who put money before human interest will see little to no
return on their wealth”
“The economic situation
globally is now fully activated to see this kind of self-greed of wealth now
being taken away. Nothing can stop it”
“So think first what is
important to you – the grabbing of money or the saving of human life”
“One day your life might be
endangered and money won’t save you!”
“The Greek people will follow
their hearts, stick together and be able to find the solution to their own
“See a Higher Intelligence
come in to assist in this matter. Once at the bottom, the rise will occur”
17th May 2012 (jandmayers
“Spain’s economic situation
will crumple to its knees. All out riots will explode on the streets”
“There will be a takeover of
certain Spanish banks by influential corporations to ease the financial pain”
“See David Cameron emerge as
a world leader, as his fight back from severe austerity measures begins to bear
“David Cameron is in a league
of his own. He is starting to trust his instincts more as he grows in stature”
17th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“France will collapse its
existing monetary policy and implement severe changes to bring about a
stability to the country”
“A new faster growing
economic solution will see that France leads the fight against the European
“The European banks will
offload their debts with drastic consequences. They will pay for their own defaults”
“Now at last a vital change
in the banking system can free up revenue for the common man…”
“…The policy to hold banks to
account will never see these bad tradings happen again. They will be curtailed
in their own industry or go broke”
16th May 2012 (jandmayers
“Greece must be brave and
decide its own future. From then onwards a new light of positive energy can
replace the negative quagmire of misery”
“To be held by the jugular is
nowhere to go for these people. By deciding their own fate new possibilities
can come in…”
“…They deserve that chance to
defend their own rights”
“Never under estimate the resilience
of the Greek people. Their fighting spirit has not yet left them”
“The Euro is dead for them.
They should now negotiate their own terms”
“See other countries, outside
Europe and inside Europe, who will help them once they decide on their own
course of action”
16th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“See a special pact be formed
between President Hollande and Chancellor Merkel. It won’t be to her liking,
but she will have no choice”
“A new fiscal development will
see them work together, but apart on separate agendas. Their strategy will
collide in many ways”
“When the full facts are
revealed to the pair of them and the full realisation that the Euro is no
longer applicable…”
“…then a monetary policy can
start to be formed”
“A monetary policy, which can
then at last save Europe…”
“…but until the Euro is
extinguished and banks bear the brunt of their own fiasco, nothing can be
15th May 2012 (jandmayers
“Syria will again split in
two as civil war now beckons…”
“…It is now extremely hard to
bring peace to this country. It has gone beyond the point of no return”
“Kofi Annan’s peace project
was never going to work, as it never had any teeth against Bashar al-Assad in
the first place”
“Francois Hollande will not
make Angela Merkel’s life any easier…”
“…Both are coming from
opposite sides of the track with no middle ground to play with”
“See Angel Merkel begin to
bend, as her policies are no longer working. She will be ousted out in time”
“Greece will set up an
interim government with issues to remove itself from the Euro”
15th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“See Greece will their way
back to survival, as chief operatives within the country can see a way out,
which was not there before”
“Greece again can become a
proud nation, as they proceed forwards with great autonomy and they will be
able to self-regulate”
“Who needs Germany when
countries like Greece will eventually find their way…”
“…They have the spirit to
endure and the spirit to change themselves”
14th May 2012 (jandmayers
“See Angela Merkel be reduced
in size as German opinion begins to bite…”
“…The people of Germany have
had enough of bearing the brunt of the entire European debt on their shoulders”
“See German people rise up
and protest against austerity measures. They too want to see a lifting out of
recession. They have had enough”
“Spain will see many people
out on strike, which will bring the country to its knees”
“Like Greece, they cannot
bear any more pain. The bankers will be held responsible. They are already a
blackened name all over Europe”
“The banks now need to take
their share of the blame for leading their respective countries into deadlock”
“A run on the stock markets
as overall shares start to plummet, nothing can hold this false market anymore”
“See money wiped out almost
overnight as shares become almost worthless. How will the financial situation
cope? They will be in chaos!”
14th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“See JP Morgan Chase in the
US come under investigation. Their chief executive will have to go”
“The US people again will be
up in arms. They thought the banks had learned their lessons – clearly they
think they are above the Law”
“Many people in JP Morgan
Chase to lose their jobs as this bank and others begin to fold/cease trading”
“A bitter lesson that
President Obama must realise: Small banks are the only answer. A lesson all
banks must face”
13th May 2012 (jandmayers
“The need to move on in one’s
life is a powerful force. How you deal with it, in the right way, will
determine your state of mind at the time”
“We are all driven by a
Universal Force and must accept the consequences of our actions should we go
“So it has to be by a
Universal Force, accepted by the guiding light of that wisdom, which always
takes us to safe ground”
“As a people, we have to
learn to understand what it is that drives us and by what intelligence”
“This comes with many years
of practice & with that special knowing that was a part of our lives many
years ago, which most of us have lost”
13th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“To understand the Universal
Knowledge that is all around us, we first must learn to be at peace and to
“In the quietness of our
minds many things are revealed to us – our purpose upon this earth”
“That calling then begins to
build up and we steered naturally to the appointed place at a time that is
right – our calling has begun”
“We enter a world of much
happiness and certainty that we are on the right pathway and everything is
easily accepted and focussed”
“We are all at one with the
Creator and our lives are then changed forever”
12th May 2012 (jandmayers
“Spanish banks cannot secure
the debt they hold. They do not have the reserves to operate this practice. By
their own hand they will fall”
“Until European banks start
to act responsibly, so one by one they will fall. There are not sufficient
funds to bail them out anymore”
“Syria will divide into two,
leaving a big hole in their economy. This country cannot maintain this level of
“The people will force Bashar
al-Assad out. He will be squeezed to death as the Law gathers momentum against
“Kofi Annan will see that
military action will be brought to bear, as the peace settlement is a laughing
stock for all the world to see”
12th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“Ancient Mayan civilisation
had enormous wealth at their disposal. They also had wisdom beyond measure”
“See more information from
archaeologists working at the Xultun ruins come to light”
“They were a progressive population
with many artefacts…”
“…which will prove their
ideology was very much in keeping matters alive and the wellbeing of their
11th May 2012 (jandmayers
“See the US banks come under
further pressure to be broken down”
“President Obama will be
coerced into cutting banks into much smaller institutions. No more will they
have the power they always want”
“US banks have not got rid of
their problems, as more exposure reveals more inaccuracies in their banking
11th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“See more bravado from China
towards the Philippines – China like a raging dog on its little victim”
“China’s might is growing and
the West is responsible for it…”
“…When the West is held in China’s
grip and with nowhere to go, will they finally sit up and listen?”
“The world must unite to
bring China under control. They seep like cancer throughout the world. Wake up
world, wake up”
10th May 2012 (jandmayers
“As predicted, explosive
devises will bring Damascus to a shutdown…”
“…This city is now
approaching a most difficult time and it will only get worse”
“See more monitors introduced
into Syria to no avail. Bashar al-Assad has only contempt for any peace plan”
“His rule is Law and that is
how it will be. He can hold out longer, his people cannot!”
“The Euro is going to flat
line and leave most European countries in a dilemma with nowhere to turn…”
“…They have to start dealing
with their own economies in order to survive”
10th May 2012
(ladylydialondon twitter)
“See Greece fall again into a
deadlock situation before a party from the right will appear turning the
deadlock into a manageable operation”
“A soft option deal in Greece
will have the desired effect to get the ball rolling and so …”
“… more substantive deals will
emerge, giving Greece the necessary chance it deserves”
“For the Rhinos to be saved a
new harder line of legislation will be enforced…”
“…See a new team of operators
face extraordinary odds in their battle to save the Rhinos”
“Public opinion is changing
and there is more support in the monetary form to help in the saving of the
Rhinos and the Elephant species”
“They will be able to survive
due to dedicated Conservationist and Law Enforcers. All this is increasing”
“These animals will be saved”
9th May 2012 (jandmayers
“For Greece to exist and
survive, they need to do some important plea bargaining and to restructure
their own monetary fund…”
“…There is money in the country. It is just not being handled in the correct
“See a sea of impulse, a new
dimension to strengthen their economy not before thought of…”
“…See Greece through their
own efforts rise above the parapet and renew their faith in their own people”
“The Greeks are a resourceful
people. They can overcome this imaginary deadlock and bring back the trust of
their own people”
“See the new revolution
transpire and see German influence fall by the wayside”
9th May 2012 (ladylydialondon
“See France now open up its
hearts and minds as it too will begin to change the face of history…”
“…They will recruit new
tacticians and bring about a remarkable change in monetary evolution”
“Europe can comeback from the
brink of economic despair. It cannot work with the tight gripped monetary
policy that Germany has inflicted”
“Even the German people are
fed up of being the ones who have to work and yet are still denied their own
“See the German people
express their own wishes…”
“…They also have lost faith
in their own Government and can quite plainly see the suffering of other
“Europe has to fall. One by one each country must take the lead
now and adopt their own policies, ones that they can confront and deal with”
“All are mindful of the costs
and all now are prepared…”
“…one by one to administer
their own pain and therefore recovery and will no longer have to be confronted
by a collective force”
“The IMF does not have
sufficient funds to loan out. They too must realise a calming down of funds
must now be implemented”
8th May 2012 (jandmayers
“A victory for socialist
François Hollande will see a new impetus grow throughout all France…”
“…What the French people must
do is to hold firm and believe in the new reforms”
“These new reforms will not
come in with a biting edge, but with a bitter sweet pill that most of France
will be able to manage…”
“…The austerity plan will be
shelved no matter what Angela Merkel has to say”
“See a new frank exchange of
a fresher economic policy, which can actually work…”
“…Angela Merkel will find she
will need to move on her lock tight agenda”
“Europe is falling, is
already fragmenting and no amount of rigorous policy can hold this position…”
“…It is the equivalent of
putting a plaster over a gaping wound”
8th May 2012 (ladylydialondon
“See France emerge as a new
leader. They will be on shaky ground, but their reforms will be manageable and
it will work for France”
“Other countries now locked
into the Merkel deal cannot sustain this policy. All are slipping into the mire
of further debt and unrest”
“Countries like Greece,
Italy, Portugal and Spain will need to reform themselves and…”
“…deal with their debt
according to what is manageable and can be sustained”
“No one can survive a total
cut off of the main blood supply, so it is with Europe’s countries…”
“…They individually have to
reach their own bottom level and work with what they have”
“Solutions can be found, are
in fact now being found in Greece, as they start to realise what they can do
and what they can’t…”
“…There are possibilities and
Greece will find them. Greece will be
able to save itself”
7th May 2012 (jandmayers
“For polices to be secure in
the UK a more positive and pragmatic approach needs to be on the agenda”
“David Cameron appears to be
floundering in the electorate’s eyes and this is disturbing and dangerous for
the UK”
“Forget about the image
making and focus on the job in hand…”
“…The Leveson Inquiry will
flag up more starling results and David Cameron will need to get his act in
“A partial U-turn by George
Osborn on his budget reforms will see much pleasure by the UK people...”
“…He will be decisive and act
quickly. A good result to come in”
7th May 2012 (ladylydialondon
“See a further breaking up of
the Eurozone as Greece now starts to ebb away from the stranglehold of Europe”
“Greece through its coalition
will form a pact to settle their own monetary reform…”
“…See an outstanding
economist, someone nobody has heard of yet, emerge as the new Chancellor”
“Greece in time can pull
themselves out of the mire and it won’t be on the back of Germany’s dictation”
“France will try to head a
team to dissolve the present monetary dictate. It will find it difficult, but
not impossible, to break”
“The release from that
agreement from Germany will allow France to further curb spending without the
Sword of Damocles over its head”
“See Europe emerge once all
have defected in their own way. A new Europe with new policies, where the Euro
is no longer the single currency”
6th May 2012 (jandmayers
“As predicted Japan’s
switching off on its nuclear reactor, it was and still is unstable…”
“…Many months of hard work
are still in operation to maintain its safety for the people”
“A new reactor will be
established in under ten years’ time as the need for electricity far outweighs
the supply”
“Japan’s industries will
demand a new look into smaller reactors with a greater failsafe capacity…”
“…The people will demand that
their electricity is not switched off in peak times as demand over supply
further grows”
6th May 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Greece will see a system
emerge whereby Greece itself will govern its own affairs…”
“…To reach rock bottom, which
is where they almost are now, will prove no further hardship”
“New reforms within a
coalition structure will see the people of Greece start to win back support
from each other and…”
“…a pride not thought
possible before”
“They will emerge out of the
wilderness of despair, but with a greater hindsight that they can no longer be
lashed to a German bureaucracy”
“They must put their people
first and the people will in turn respond…”
“…For a nation that was once
great and can become great again, the chains of relentless red tape must be cut”
“They will be able to
determine their own destiny”
5th May 2012 (jandmayers
“A hard fought for election
will see Nicholas Sarkozy beaten by a narrow margin…”
“…His failure for securing
the economy in France will be his downfall”
“A man not seen by the common
people as being for the people is what will ultimately destroy his position in
“Angela Merkel will get off
on the wrong foot with Françoise Hollande…”
“…He will not be jumping to
her tune and she will have to endure many battles there”
5th May 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Boris Johnson’s second term
as Lord Mayor will see him act differently…”
“…He has learnt from his
mistakes and failures and you will see a greater statesman evolve”
“He has tried to get to grips
with many things that have not worked for him. Now he stands in a much better
position to put matters right”
“The experience he has had to
encounter will see that a completely new London emerges and, with him at the
helm now, he can pull it off”
“Many people will come to
Boris’s aid and he can transform London into a vibrant industry for commerce
and for the man in the street”
“This Boris has had to
identify with the people and he will now succeed where others failed”
“Look now to his new blue
print plan. It is radical, but transforming – a new bridge named after him”
4th May 2012 (jandmayers
“The world now involves very
much the haves and the have-nots – nothing much in between…”
“…Until the balance is put
right, the uncertainty for Mankind to live in peace is non-existent”
“For those people who live in
the West enjoy so much of what is considered normal expected conditions…”
“…Running water, toilet
facilities, supermarkets filled with food and petrol at the stations – all are
taken for granted and expected”
“For those who do not have
these basic needs of life have no conception what it is like…”
“…Many have to walk miles to
get water, which is drinkable and other amenities are not available”
“One would be in uproar in
the Western World to be denied these human rights, yet we think nothing of
those who do not have them…”
“…It doesn’t even enter our
“The time is coming, as the
new revolution of Mankind grows, …”
“…that basic requirements
will be had for the people as they will continue to fight until they do”
4th May 2012 (ladylydialondon
“To see hope return in a man’s
eyes, when all hope has been lost for all time is one of the greatest
revelations/miracles of all time”
“For Mankind to come out of
the despair of the harshness of life is to breathe the new air of spiritual
“Man must go through the fire
of the pain and to know through no shadow of a doubt he has been saved and
saved for all time”
“We have all been there in
our lives…”
“…We can begin to believe and
hold our course and be thankful that we are reborn in the light of the Great
3rd May 2012 (jandmayers
“Mervyn King is too late in
blaming the recklessness of banks and blaming the Labour party for stripping
the Bank of England…”
“…of its direct powers. The
banks were out of control long before 1997 and nothing was done”
“Mervyn King should now be
doing more to sort out the regulations of banks in this country and…”
“…for the man in the street
to see that banks are working for him and not for themselves”
“French politics and the way
both Hollande and Sarkozy are behaving will see many French citizens fail to
attend these polls”
“To be seen as being civil to
one another is what matters. To be true statesmen then you must have decorum
and respect from the people…”
“…Both candidates have lost
that. Their behaviour shows their true identity”
3rd May 2012 (ladylydialondon
“The bloodbath in Syria
continues. The so called monitors have
done nothing to abate the violence”
“How many people must die
before proper legal action is taken to abate this suffering and murder?”
“Israel expects their
prisoners to receive human rights yet disrespect Palestinians in their jails
the same policy….”
“…Again one rule for Israel
and another for everybody else”
“Israel will further alienate
itself from the world and world sympathy. Their isolation will hit them soon
2nd May 2012 (jandmayers
“Ms Suu Kyi will make tremendous
inroads into the politicising of Burma’s new democracy. Even the military in
time will love her”
“The reforms in Burma, which
are greatly needed, will take a further boost as the world now gathers to
embrace this nation back into the fold”
“The European banking system
will continue to fall. See more stripping of assets as they too unload their
own debts”
“Finally the people of Europe
will be saved as radical reforms by Governments, to address the people and not
the banks, will come about”
2nd May 2012 (ladylydialondon
“Yet another bombshell by the
disgraceful behaviour of paedophile priest Brendan Smyth – all in the full
knowledge of Cardinal Brady”
“He is a co-conspirator to
these atrocities and should be tried for his actions in leading the public and
the Law astray”
“Like everything that comes
to light regarding the abuse of innocent children…”
“…Cardinal Sean Brady and the
Catholic Church feel they are above the Law…”
“…They are not above the Law
of the Land nor are they above God’s Law, which both he and Brendan Smyth will
be accountable to!”
1st May 2012 (jandmayers twitter)
“To know man’s intelligence is to see all about him. What he has done for himself and for the planet…”
“…Man has risen to heights unknown before the 20th century, yet in his basic thinking, little has changed”
“He still thinks with the little mind of a child’s expectancy instead of with the superior mind that all life is sacred…”
“…not expected, but cherished because it is already there”
“The noble art of recognising all has been created for our comfort and survival and because of that it must not be abused or wasted”
1st May 2012 (ladylydialondon twitter)
“Extremes of temperature will become the norm as the world’s axis shifts and so affects the extremes of the polar opposites”
“Many will come to rely on the good measures that these temperatures will bring…”
“…while others will perish in the extremes that also come with it”
“The balance is not always perfect. It is in this delicate altering that new found possibilities are formed”