23 March 2016

World Affairs for 2016 MARCH II

20th March 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“It is time that people stood up and took personal responsibility for their actions”

“Too many people are in poverty for one reason or another”

“It needs to be discussed more thoroughly when entering into a contract to do something substantial that could change our lives completely”

“It is needed with such normal things as getting married and having children”

“By thinking more carefully as to how it will affect us, we can alleviate much pain and suffering”

“Love is a transitory thing, enriched by life’s experiences to keep us both strong and secure”

“It becomes the bedrock of what we all need in our lives and to sustain it all our needs”

“Children brought about from that union have to be considered these days, as to whether we can provide for them and sustain all their needs”

“This is more often overlooked, where reckless behaviour brings about lasting consequences of misery, both for parents and the children”

“This is where the poverty stems from. The providing for the children when parents do not have the means to do so”

“The desires of the flesh do create lasting misery to so many”

“It is high time we started thinking before we act. A child is for life, not a ten minute wonder”

“We must take responsibility for their emotional welfare and their physical needs as well”

“This sadly is often overlooked and so children suffer two types of poverty; emotional neglect and their right to have a sustaining life”

“The parents also suffer, as the means are not there to provide for their children as well as themselves”

“Love is a committed thing”

“It is through that power of love that we must act sensibly and see that all our needs are met and not just a few”

“Life gets harder when we act irresponsibly”

“Life only gets better when we act according to what is important and then all our needs are met”

15th March 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“As Mankind continues to drift in and out of uncertainty, their fates they feel are only in their hands”

“They will see a shift in purpose, where Mankind can begin to think outside of the box”

“They know that daily they are being helped and guided along the way”

“No one has a better understanding than the Higher Intelligence to deliver on time salvation in so many aspects”

“What seemed like an impossible situation, new light is shone and situations begin to change almost overnight”

“It is with deep regret that it takes so long for Mankind’s intransigence to stop and for fresh ideas to be processed”

“All can be achieved quite easily where common-sense prevails”

“Many of Mankind’s problems are due to their own chaotic ways, where their mind-sets push forward agendas which can never work”

“When years later they see their mistakes so much pain & suffering continues to leak out making restoration even more difficult to fathom out”

“Mankind is now in that process”

“Restoration on so many issues worldwide is being addressed, but it is a long and bitterly hard road to salvation”

“Mankind must learn from his mistakes however long it takes and, if they are wise enough, to see that they are not repeated again”

“Wise men are fashioned through extreme pain and hardship”

“It is their counsel that needs to be sought, so that Mankind can reach an empathy with each other”

“Then and only then can a new future be built”

10 March 2016

World Affairs for 2016 MARCH I

10th March 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“To be able to accomplish a dream is to believe wholeheartedly in its existence to happen”

“The dream is the tangible product of your mind and a very powerful resource to have”

“Not all of us actually believe that our dreams will come true; therefore we fail before we actually start”

“By believing in that dream coming true, we evolve through the many phases that make up that reality”

“The reality is made possible and so dreams come true”

“By constantly sending out our mind vibrations we produce energy that is so powerful it cannot be produced by any other component”

“We are all powerful beings; our minds produce all that is around us, being success or failure”

“None of us can afford not to believe in success, as we alone produce those extraordinary vibrations to allow it to happen”

“We alone are the creator of our own realities. We must remain positive in our affirmations to success in all things”

“It is said success breeds success and that is exactly true”

“By being in that successful environment we collaborate with our own minds to continue on our own successful journey”

“All then becomes a very powerful energy based being, success is already primed and ongoing”

“For those people who have already found success in their lives and for whatever reason demolished it…”

“…understand the necessary power to make it happen again”

“This way successful people continue and turn everything in their favour, they know how to harness the power of the mind”

“This way success becomes a continuum of their lives. They are never without it”

“Learn to harness your dreams. Know your minds create all that is around you and learn to realise it is your right to have”

“All can be beautiful in your world if you wish it. See your own power create happiness for you on so many levels”

“You can and should start from today”

“The universal energies are there for you, draw those special dreams to you and know you can achieve beyond your wildest dreams”

6th March 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Everybody loves to be loved and needed. It is a common trait”

“We all have to feel wanted and of use to somebody or some event”

“Our purpose in life is to show that we care and can provide for ourselves what is a niche of our identity”

“Without this purpose there is no reason to exist or to do anything at all”

“By doing for others, we increase our identity and are known for it. We actually stamp our identity on this world. We give of ourselves”

“This is the purpose of every one of us on this earth, an establishing of the self”

“Without this we are nothing and therefore in our own minds cease to exist”

“We have an innate calling, which is to help one another. Our souls are a part of the entire creative force”

“None of us are single, but a complete mind of knowledge and purpose by which we act as part of the whole”

“Our minds are programmed to exist in a massive electrical mind field, whose sole identity is to provide for that whole”

“All of us act spontaneously without real thought process. We are almost on automation, yet individual by our wants and desires”

“We all want to please and to be accepted by the whole”

“We all have an innate purpose to serve the whole unconsciously, yet extremely effectively”

“By striving forwards, we all increase our knowledge and expectation of the creative force energy”

“We advance together increasing the whole to go forwards in motion”

“None of us ever stand still. We create while we sleep. We act upon that creation when we are awake”

“All of us, as one being, striving, perfecting and increasing our knowledge exponentially”

“Our souls are bound to each other like converging magnets of which we have no control”

“All are in sync with each other and where there is harmony, so a better understanding of what we need to do becomes self-evidential”

“Know that we are all constantly being looked after. Nothing is by accident, all is by Universal design”

“None of us can really fail in this passage of time that we exist on this earth plane!”

01 March 2016

World Affairs for 2016 FEBRUARY III

29th February 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The British re-entry into the European Union will not solve all their problems”

“The infighting and backbiting by the heads at Brussels will see a split in the policies that they will want to introduce”

“The entire governing body is overloaded with bureaucracy and red tape”

“The more they wrangle to get matters sorted out, the deeper they get into debt and chaos”

“The entire Brussels leadership will come crashing down. They are like an upturned pyramid and are only holding together by a thread”

“Everybody knows it, but few are free enough to voice it”

“They would rather safeguard their precious lucrative jobs than admit the vast errors and mistakes they have made”

“No one will be surprised as the entire format of the European Union collapses – it is already in breakdown mode”

“For Britain to sustain its independence and walk away from what is already a crumbling dinosaur would be a good thing”

“Britain is needed in Europe to keep the gravy train of Brussels working. British funds are vital to keep this organisation running”

“The British people need to realise that…”

“…trading worldwide with the service industry it provides will sustain all of Britain’s needs and more besides”

“Britain needs to remain independent and once again carve out its own future and destiny”

“No longer should it be shackled to an organisation that seeks to continue with less regard for its members”

“The British people are strong enough, bright enough, to realise…”

“…that global trading with their own tariffs will see them succeed beyond their wildest dreams”

“No longer will they need to hold up bankrupt countries like Italy and France”

“The regime at Brussels continues to dictate its own policies at the expense of their fellow European countrymen”

25th February 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“Time for everybody appears to be running out – that simply is not the case”

“It is the events that allow for time to become everlasting and progressive”

“All of Mankind must take stock of their time on this earth and to see their own input into what is necessary”

“We all have a vested interest in how things are manifested and how events unfold”

“Mankind plays the role in achieving great feats of endurance and accomplishments”

“We are all striving forwards to bring about action, which will be able to save Mankind on so many levels”

“The turning point has already begun and events, which were stagnant and at a stalemate situation, are being broken down”

“The impasse no longer applicable, as new and important decisions in world peace are now at the forefront of every discussion”

“World leaders now know they have no choice, but to obey the Higher Calling”

“They must bring about the necessary transition, so that lives will be saved and the future secure”

“A new development in world peace is being actively discussed with the right objectives now in place”

“No one can have the right to sabotage such a Universal objective, as they will become the piranha of all time”

“Mankind stands united to bring about revolutionary progress and advanced ideas to shape up the future for this world”

“The masterstroke having been achieved, a new order of power is being formed”

“No one can afford to turn their backs on what already has been decreed”

“See China come to the table and give substantial support towards world peace, the likes that haves not been seen before”

“Their intransigence is no longer. Their might, their positive support and stance, is!”

“Begin to see a new world order, where USA will be forced to take a back seat and eat humble pie for the many misdeeds they have committed”

“Never again will they see themselves as a world power. Their attitude and input is no more recognised”

“They have lost their standing and shame will be brought to this country as never before”

“They will be suppressed and, while licking their wounds, will not be allowed to enter into discussions unless aided by other countries”

“A situation for them, which will be intolerable, but necessary to stop their dominance!”

“The world order now changed forever!”

23rd February 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The most important thing is one must be honest with oneself. If we are not, then our lives can never be fulfilled or in fact be real”

“It becomes a mockery of lies that all can see, except the individual themselves”

“We must all face up to the facts of who we are and what lies in our heart”

“By trusting our instincts and being positive about our feelings, always allows for changes to occur – a better life is realised”

“From there, taking little steps forwards, we can become confident and reassured”

“This allows us to grow and to develop as a stronger, more honest person and where lies no longer have a place in our lives”

“We become automatically liberated for all time, which brings in happiness and peace of mind to enter in”

“We no longer need to sacrifice ourselves anymore!”