6th December 2008 (ref 579)
“A new global economy will be set up. All will have to abide by the rules. If they don’t they will be discarded as not adhering to International Law and Practice and they will then fall from grace. No help or other assistance will be theirs and so no recovery can be maintained – a bitter lesson for those not willing to abide by these rules.
“See massive transformations by the people with the Governments of the day and see a vast unilateral way of working and thinking. Never before has this been achieved…”
5th November 2008 (Ref Newsletter)
“This man, unique in his time, will be the forerunner of much change and re-legislation of the Laws of America. He has seen for himself the appalling struggle of so many Americans. He has seen their livelihoods come to almost nothing and the legislation against the common man in the street bars him from Civil Liberties. He is a man of much vision and comprehension and is now a maker of change utilising every facility at his disposal. He will stop at nothing to obtain his own dream for this great country.
“Barack Obama is a man of modest means. He needs very little outside his immediate family to make him happy. He is thorough, very ambitious for rights, especially those of Civil Rights and utilising his time in office to bring about these changes. Through his vision and ‘God’s’ help, he will be steered through a maze of uncertainties within the economic climate that shrouds this country.
“Bit by bit, over quite a while, all will be able to turn around and a newfound trust by the people will occur. They will see him as a saviour where no one else at this time is equipped to do so. He has a mighty spiritual force that surrounds him now and together with the right team of experienced men and women around him, a notable difference will be seen.
“He really cannot fail. This is his destiny and there is such an almighty force of energy that surrounds him that with the correct mandate, he will be able to accomplish a lot for his people and that means everybody. Education will be stripped apart and a whole new system will be enforced allowing illiteracy to become a thing of the past. Everybody will be given the best chance to succeed and find work.
“The infrastructure of so many towns and cities, where gross neglect has occurred through subsequent governments, also will be addressed. But it is the economy that will see him hailed as the saviour, where big banks and conglomerates will have to dance to his tune and not their own. Through much passed new legislation there will be a strong recovery and new trusted foundations will spring up giving the populace far greater choice where to put and invest their money. Trust will be put back to the people and a new found order will emerge out of the ashes of past misdemeanours.
“The people through his policies will have a greater, but organised, way of life. Through him confidence will be restored, not all at once but gradually and a new faith that a higher power is influencing this man will be noticed. The entire vibrations from one of neglect throughout the States to be a better form of living and working, where neighbour, black or white, will help neighbour and a unity not found before will be realised.
“Such is the impact of this one man, who is spiritually guided. He does what he feels inherently to be right and good for all the people. Why? Because he feels it that way. He was brought up with much love and it is this that makes him the power that he has become. By love and true administration by himself, he has achieved and come up through the ranks from nothing.
“His belief in ‘God’ throughout his life and the belief to do right by everybody is his mission and it is through this vision that he will be able to accomplish so much and be the prime example for so many – a father figure with love and direction. He will lose no time in seeking help and support for his vision around the World, speaking directly to heads of States and Governments of his vision for change, not only throughout the United States, but as a World order.
“His role in bringing back balance throughout the World is his mission. This he has had since he was a tiny boy. He was troubled by World events, wars and where there was little point in it. The destruction to so many people’s lives, people used as pawns to be the so called slaves of the state and as its whims dictated. Man had no voice, no strength to act.
“Barack Obama was troubled by these events and so as President to the United States, he wishes now to turn matters around and through much diplomacy bring about a saving of man throughout this globe. Man must be given a voice against long term suppression and his voice will be heard.
“You will see a new World order of stability on the economic front as nation will have to help nation in order for man to survive and restore justice to the people, who have lost so much in hardship – be it economical, material or social. “How can one man do all this?” I hear you say.
“Well, he is being guided on every front and where there was so much opposition and hostility in the World due to fear, through his vision and ‘God’s’ might, which is Universal anyway, he will succeed where others have failed to bring back respect throughout nations and finally it will filter down to the people. It will be slow, but it will be decisive and that is what will make this man a legend in his own lifetime.
“President J.F. Kennedy, much loved President to the United States, also managed great reform. He was able to unite the people. He was much loved by Americans and the World at large. He had a unique blend of being able to associate with the people, making them feel he was a part of them. He spoke from the heart. It was not a script given to him to make people feel good.
“He lived and spoke from the heart. His intentions were to make America great and to restore human confidence in times of a nations growing threat. He achieved this because he too had a great vision. He did not panic in a crisis, but acted from what he instinctively knew to be right.
“This is the same criteria that spurs Barack Obama on. He feels that wave of energy whisking him forwards with decisive policies. He can make a difference, not only to America, but to the World as a whole.
12th October 2008 (ref Spiritual Guidance)
“It is a subject on most people’s lips these days whether it is the environment, the recycling, what we are doing to the atmosphere and our planet in general. One thing is for sure; we don’t know exactly how it is all going to affect us in say another fifty to a hundred years time. We simply do not know or do we?
“Everything in, on and around this planet is governed by cycles and the Spiritual Laws of the Universe, so if there is devastation on one part of the planet there is fruitfulness on another. Certainly planetary disasters are of course man made like deforestation, which upsets the delicate balance of the Earth and landslides occur after the rainfall hits that area.
“All men are interlinked in some way and when destruction affects one area it can have a ripple effect around the globe such is the delicate balance of all nature. Man is primarily responsible for the large amount of waste and debris due to modernisation of our world and the destruction to the eco system, which tries to breakdown matter which is non biodegradable and so waste accumulates leaving a mountain of debris on a colossal scale.
“Until Man himself can take personal responsibility for his own actions and return to the natural products of this world which are freely given by ‘God’ in the way of cotton, wool, wood, straw, flax, tin, rubber, sand, resin etc instead of the numerous amounts of plastic and synthetics that can’t really be melted down properly, certainly we are all poisoning this World we all inhabit.
“We, the public, must start to make a stand and when we change our habits so supermarkets and those companies that package our products will be forced to change. Lead batteries are full of acid, harmful to the human race. Radioactive generators eke out dangerous radioactive rays, which destroy entire wastelands and the eco system is ruined forever. This is Man’s destruction upon each other and the planet at large.
“Before we can change Man’s thinking a vital scourge has to occur to this planet to stop Man in tracks, then a fall out, before vital steps can be taken to readdress the balance. Nothing is lost when the time comes as ‘God’ sees to everything and will not allow the foolish Man to continue blindly going about his business in an irresponsible way. “We’ in the Spirit World are already changing Man’s thinking, but it is not enough.
“When our waters become so infested with filth and waste that we cannot even drink the water because of fear of pollution on a scale not imaginable, then Man will begin to see the error of his ways and act accord to ‘God’s’ Universal Law. Everything must be in balance to survive and that goes for every country and person on this planet. By starting to take personal responsibility for our own household we collectively begin to make a start.
“It can all be turned around. It is Man that has to come to his senses and start the motion today. It can be done. By dealing with the natural materials and the elements provided by this Earth of ours, then gradually we learn to halt the ever growing devastation. It is in Man’s hands together with the higher influence that can change matters around.
“Hope is on the way.”
2nd October 2008 (ref Spiritual Guidance)
“The credit crunch both here and abroad, those institutions which have caused so much havoc in people’s lives are now about to have their comeuppance – long now have they got away with their so called greed and avarice, not only from the man in the street with their exorbitant bank charges and for doing very little, but with the gross amount of interest they charge to each other. All has gained in this mighty free for all and there was no stopping them until now!
“The entire banking system has been working this way, taking huge risks amongst themselves never thinking they ever had to put their own house in order with their high and mighty approach to business. The little man in the street was crushed with the overload of administration that was needed to open up an account and they gave him little regard as a customer when they did. Yes, they wanted your money but were prepared to do precious little for it and that is the arrogance that has been with them for years.
“Now with Universal Laws already in motion, their heydays are over and over for good. Never again will they be able to act irresponsibly as special law enforcement issues will now hold them accountable to what they must do and what they are not allowed to do, bringing in a much safer banking system now for all.
“The American situation will have to take the lead as they are in the most jeopardy and after long deliberation a settlement of which they feel is workable will be enforced. New and important legislation will be passed so as to avoid this situation ever hitting the American people again and for this the powers that be, who now run that country, can at last take some comfort in putting this motion across, which is fully acceptable by the people.
“For the first time in a long time the American people are being heard and heard loudly, as there has been much dissatisfaction over decades and it is only now coming to full realisation. Nothing is now hidden. All has to have transparency and this method will hold as other banks will now have to fall in line least they go overboard and there is not enough money to even bail them out, so they are now running scared and so they should be.
“There are no banks in that industry that has not fallen foul of misrepresentation and all have now been found out. The larger institutes have already fallen. Some will be rescued, others will have to go to the wall as there are not enough funds left in the federal reserves to bail them all out, hence the master plan to rescue what is now sinking and trying to steady the fall of the others.
“In other words slowing down the process so that these other banks can begin to salvage what they have and then bring back up equity in a long term plan given to them by the existing government. The people at last are able to have a say and that say for once is very powerful indeed. No longer will the banks have the upper hand as they will be accountable to the people and by the people.
‘“God’ in his infinite wisdom has finally put a stop to all their shenanigans and so everybody now will have to start again and begin to see their lives as changing, so that the people can at last start to put their own affairs in order and will no longer be swayed by the slip shoddy advertising that has been going on. They will test the water and be very choosey as to where they place their hard earned money and they won’t be swayed with just any advertising. If there are no guarantees attached to those institutions, they will go elsewhere.
“Newer smaller banks will emerge whereby more of a personal service will feed the people and the people will take heart that their interest and not the interests of the bank come first. This will open up competition and the larger more successful banks in the past that have now fallen will have to come into line whether they like it or not. With the new legislation they will think they have some clout, but will realise very soon that it is the people who have the clout from now on.
“So what will emerge will be a slowing down of the process as the entire monetary system begins to find its new level. Certainly much lower then it ever imagined and that is how it must stay for a few years until the populace at large can justify spending on any scale again. All will have to suffer in one way or another to bring home that chaotic spending is not the way you conduct your life and there has to be a balance in all things to make matters work.
“As to this country, there will be a further free fall on the stock market as confidence in this government still has not fully come to roost in the minds of the populace. They still think that this government can bail the country out when of course it can’t. Until the situation is fully understood by every person in this country the fall will continue.
“All now must be accountable as they have held their heads in the clouds for long enough thinking they also were unstoppable and could continue to ride roughshod over the populace and they wouldn’t be noticed.
“Spiritual Law and Universal Law have already come in and therefore all their mistakes are now coming to bite them again and again. They cannot say, “It was this persons fault or that persons fault.” They are all equally guilty under the Universal Laws as all were party from the beginning and chose to ignore what was staring them in the face for so long as they enjoyed their lives of privileged. What did it really matter who or what suffered?
“‘God’ witnesses all and now governments and institutions will continue to fall until they all reach rock bottom and a new lease of life is reborn with new investment coming in at the right and appropriate time and not one minute sooner.
“All those that were corrupt will see their privileges stripped from them and never again will they be able to hold their heads up high as they will carry the stigma of their deeds to their dying day. They had the limelight. Let that same limelight focus the attentions of all their misdeeds and remain with them for all time.
“Those who had spoken out and were quashed for fear of pulling down the government will be highly regarded by the populace and they will come to enjoy a new form of freedom and justice. Their words at last will be printed and the people themselves will speak out in defence of those people who tried to speak and were silenced.
“So begin to see a mighty shift, the likes that you have never seen before and begin when the time is right and this government has already fallen. A new and informed way of governing is needed never before seen in this country and a new found confidence in the people as they begin to shape their own lives for a better future with trust this time and not ignorance.
“See this special wave now emerge and even the children will have to learn that nothing is for nothing and that one must work hard in this life to make it a better place for all to live in and not just the privileged few.”
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