10 September 2016

World Affairs for 2016 SEPTEMBER I

10th September 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The situation in Syria is now drawing to its climax”

“Both factions cannot blow each other out in spite of their various atrocities with Russia putting the boot in at every opportunity”

“The Pentagon and the CIA will have to join forces and bring about an end to this human catastrophe”

“Bashar al-Assad will be ousted out.  His days are already numbered. He will be arrested before he escapes”

“This war is almost on its last legs now.  Important territory is only rubble; so much has already been destroyed”

“A lifting of restrictions will allow for the humanitarian forces to come in with much needed resources”

“This country is now split down the middle with two opposing sides.  None will agree to a joint Government”

“So the country will remain in a deadlock split until international agreement can unite both factions”

“The people have had enough. Vital trade routes have been severely hampered and alternative ways are being found”

“As for IS, their numbers are now dwindling. No more have they the command they once had”

“Important leadership in IS is no longer in place, so their structure is being slowly eroded. They will become a spent force”

“Syria is a dead country until a ray of light starts to shine and a new Government becomes possible by the people”

“International agencies, who are interested in Syria, as in US, Iran and Russia, will start to back off”

“They do not have the resources to rebuild this broken land”

“It will be private investors, who will start to creep in and restructure this once beautiful country again”

“It is the people, who deserve it most. New hospitals and infrastructure will take decades to become established, but they will”

“The future for Syria is there.  The people will finally speak!”

2nd September 2016 (jandmayers and ladylydialondon twitter)

“The world revolves around kindness, as being the only criterion to save people in many ways”

“Not everybody is able to receive kindness as they see it as a precursor to owing to that person, as if indebted to them”

“When genuine kindness is shown there is no debt to be paid as it was given unconditionally & always at a time when the recipient is in need”

“The Higher Intelligence always brings in a saving hand when one least expects it and where individuals are then saved”

“It is important that we all realise that help when not expected, miraculously always turns up as if from nowhere”

“Every day we are all guided and helped. Some of us recognise it, others do not, but nevertheless it is there”

“We all give out kindness in our own way without ever actually thinking it. We do it spontaneously for the greater good”

“In our uncertain world, where fear now becomes the driving element, we find ourselves in more need of kindness”

“This for us becomes the healing balm, where we are all able to survive!”

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